I sometimes have huge losing streaks, it's not that rare.

Played a 14 minute match yesterday with Noki, we steamrolled them.
Gello, I just recently started plying tb again, Also started playing dota not that long ago.
Anybody here up fro some games sometimes?
Dotabuff profile:
Also please don't judge my profile too harshly, I'm not very good.
Welcome Venom ! Your skill doesn't matter at all in this org, only way tl improve at dota is failing terribly at Dota. and that's how I learned I wasn't born to play bane...
TY ty, Also anybody here from around europe?
Because I know you all want to play with the mighty Venom *cough* jk.
But yeah I can't play on Asian or American servers since my net.
I only play in Dubai, EU and EW servers. Sometimes Russia but I don't really like the way they rage at you at voice chat. \o/
I only play EUE and EUW servers.
And that's just the fun part in Russia servers.
Also here's my steam profile:

Name: Venom
Steam name: Sergey "Putin" Smirnov
GMT: +1
Preferred Dota 2 server/s: EUW EUE
When did you start playing Dota ?: December 2015
MMR : NA (EXP Trophy 48 atm)
Favourite role: Initiator/Disabler (Sometimes Pusher)
Favourite characters: Spirit Breaker, Earthshaker, Sven, BristleBack and Faceless Void (Sometimes CK)
Least favourite characters: Invoker/Pudge
Skype: NA (Discord ftw)
Last edited by Venom; Apr 1, 2016 at 10:33 AM.
cyka blyat Hue

It's the same problem in SEA servers
Name: Alexander
Steam name: День дурака (changing it often)
Forum activity: checking forums every day
GMT: +3
Preferred Dota 2 server/s: Russia/EU
When did you start playing Dota ?: Aug 23 2014
MMR (If you play competitive): 4k trash player
Favourite role: Mid
Favourite character/s: Storm Spirit, Puck
Least favourite character/s: Outworld Devourer, Windranger
Skype(If you use it): alexander13snow

Actually boosting MMR at my first steam account (it was 684 mmr here after calibration). Now I have 2,2k solo at this account.
Then I've created another account and calibrated at 4k mmr.

Always open to play with some adequate guys.

P.S. always trading my steam/dota2/csgo inventory.
P.P.S. always trading my tobash inventory/tc for steam/dota2/csgo items
P.P.P.S. trading 4lyf
Last edited by Snow; Apr 1, 2016 at 11:34 PM.
Ho-ho! Ha-ha!
Hey guys I'm gonna be up for a good amount of time tonight playin some Dota, just pm me if you wanna play a match or 2. I'll be on in about 2 hours
[JollyR] [Ct] |Event Squad| (Au) [xp]
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