so we've been recruiting right? why has no one given us a shit application that I can deny?
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert
Hello dear members and leaders of nitro, Elite was recently found clan hopping again

Well Space (Elite) recently asked butler if he can join Aether while being in Nitro.

Here are the pictures i got:

He should be punished.

Best Regards
PM me for no reason,ask me something,send memes n stuff
Why? Cuz i like to view pm's (and dank memays)
hunter thank you for telling us this but i already knew i was told i have handled it
Quote: Melon Please change your signature to anything else.
Man, having stubborn parents as a minor really sucks. Was fine, am pissed off now.

I've shown them research from the American Association of Pediatrics. Pediatrics. The paper says that weightlifting has no adverse effect on the body when done correctly, (and believe me, I have good form) and still they refuse to accept it. fuckin shit.
Originally Posted by PaidToKIll View Post
Bro do you even lift?

best response:
i would if my parents let me

also, whenever i go outside, i put on a bomb jacket.
i can give u guys a free ebook (author: me) on how to make one of them
very warm... even before the explosion