Invading, Miss u Cobra sorry for leaving ur clan on inactivity was moving houses xD
[Extreme]--> We are here (Cool Place)------------------------------------------u are all the way over There--->(Uncool) You
Originally Posted by Minguito View Post
Invading, Miss u Cobra sorry for leaving ur clan on inactivity was moving houses xD

You can be a single ally if you want and you won't have to use invade again
As of tradition i'm here ^^ i'm gonna play some toribash right now too. join me if you have time.
PM me with any and all questions
Originally Posted by Hattersin View Post
As of tradition i'm here ^^ i'm gonna play some toribash right now too. join me if you have time.

Dammit i wanted to chat with someone on some gaming and shiz for a long time, dammit
Originally Posted by Hattersin View Post
I'm still on ^^ Jo obey

Dammit its just you and me hattersin, dudez post comon
2 Days ago zomb wrote me he leaves since he has no time and the clan is pretty much dead.

Indeed, i agree, it was a great start but i couldnt fucking keep the activity since i dont have so much time for toribash to be a good leader. I will give over LGOX the rights of leading the clan since i think that is the best dicision to be made. I dont lead a clan good anyways, all clans i tried to make official died out.. Have a nice day and good bye rave
Originally Posted by TheCobra View Post
2 Days ago zomb wrote me he leaves since he has no time and the clan is pretty much dead.

Indeed, i agree, it was a great start but i couldnt fucking keep the activity since i dont have so much time for toribash to be a good leader. I will give over LGOX the rights of leading the clan since i think that is the best dicision to be made. I dont lead a clan good anyways, all clans i tried to make official died out.. Have a nice day and good bye rave

Cobra i think we i will let it go, i am not capable of miracles its been a long and a good time with you guys but nothing can save us now....Damn this is harsh. i do not have any reasons to stay active anymore so you will probably not see me anymore