oracle, now play her as ap mid and realise how op she is when built straight ap (also take a lot of blues)
It can't be deliberate that she's OP. A respectable company like Riot would never release characters that are too strong to get people to buy them, only to nerf them once everyone has thrown money at them. Definitely not.
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
Originally Posted by Przero View Post
oracle, now play her as ap mid and realise how op she is when built straight ap (also take a lot of blues)

Who says I don't play her a straight ap jungle? :s The gp5s are only so that I can suddenly get a death cap and start nuking everybody down. Clearing the jungle is easy enough once your Q hits level 3. Heck, if somebody needs to leave the lane, I can get a whole wave with just one Q.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
GP10s don't kick in for like 10 minutes. If you're trying to rush a Deathcap, then you might as well just straight out buy it.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
Originally Posted by Numbers View Post
GP10s don't kick in for like 10 minutes. If you're trying to rush a Deathcap, then you might as well just straight out buy it.

I have both gp5s by 10 minutes in. That's a little over the cost of a Needless. The sustain and health it gives also last well into mid game. I get the rabadon's by 20 minutes in on my good/decent games. I get it 25 minutes in on the worse ones.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Noah View Post
If you're new, you need to be trying out all sorts of champions. But if you want ranged, AP mid or AD carry is what you're looking for. This weeks free champion list contains 5 ranged champions.
-Ashe: Easy AD carry. She uses natural slows to keep enemies from running, and her ultimate can help the team from across the map with it's stun+slow.
-Varus: One of the harder AD carries. I can't say much on him, since I don't play him, but he has an outstanding poke that hits people from far away until he is ready to move in for the kill.
-Heimerdinger: An AP mid. His primary weapon of destruction and signature skill is his turrets, which he sets up where he pleases do attack enemies for him. He is very slow, and has little escape in exchange for his great damage output.
-Viktor: Can't say much about him, since I haven't use him once in my life. But he is an AP mid, who has a unique item that can boosts his stats that no other champion can get. He has good CC, and high damage, but be warned his primary attack is glitchy and semi-broken.
-Sona: She is a support (to the AD carry.) Her special ability is she is constantly playing rhythms that buff nearby allies for either a damage buff, increased defense, or a movement speed boost. All of these rhythms can be activated again to switch auras, or heal allies, attack enemies, or boost ally movement speed even more. Her ultimate is very valuable in team fights, as it stuns whoever is in her path. She is an easy support, who is fun to play.

Now I definitely have no better word over you, but I'm going to disagree on this one. The amount of time it would take to level to 6 with WW would be minuscule if you aren't spending the time for ganks. Assuming you're doing nothing but clearing out jungle/invading their jungle/cover top+mid, you could reach level 6 before anything major happens to the game.

Thank you very much , I love you , I tryed ashe and had legendary with 13 kill streak n.n
Heyo guys, I'm quite new to this game, played around 4-5 matches (some along side assazin and chuckninja for help), seems I'm now not bad with rammus and saving up to buy him.

In the meantime, I'd like if anyone knows anything about master yi? I got him as my first owned champion since I liked how opponents/allies played as him, and wanted to know if anyone can give me some tips to play as him.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

As for yi, you need solo lane (top/mid) or jungle.
He's viable both in ad and ap builds.
Just farmfarmfarmfarmfarmfarmfarmfarmfarm > push lanes > backdoor > farmfarmfarmfarmfarm > rape single enemies > farmfarmfarm > push push push
I usually play him in jungle (ad) - unkillable 1v1 due to that lifesteal (if you're building him properly) , sometimes top (ap) - unkillable 1v1 due to that w scaling.
Yi works extremely well at low lvls, same goes for tryndamere.

Usual ad build: boots + hp p > lantern > boots lvl2 (merc/zerks) > zeke's/ie/ghostblade > warmog > atma > situational item
Usual ap build: doran ring > boots (sorcs) > rabadon rush > WHATEVERS, just ap (like rylai, deathfire, lich bane etc)
Originally Posted by Numbers View Post
GP10s don't kick in for like 10 minutes. If you're trying to rush a Deathcap, then you might as well just straight out buy it.

Check this out, it's very interesting to read. It eventually means that if you don't need dorans to dominate your lane [or to make succesful ganks], you might just be better off with gp10.

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