Originally Posted by Kruschev View Post
dude it is mine.
you just bought the account that has the set in pm's.
We can take this to the moderates if u want buddy boy.

hi its me magix, you sold me princeshon and included both copies of that set because i traded the one your wearing now for it, so no its qq's set
no u didnt i traded the gold/plat set for your halo set and that was the deal.
no other sets were involved in the trade so that set remains mine.
Stop arguing.
Continue this by pm or something.
Too cool for a Signiture.
War_heros so strong, he can kill by looking at you.
Originally Posted by McBurger View Post
I loled
I personally think that black and white is a hunk of juck :S

ok i dont care cuz ur not buying it. also, i bet u cant make that much detail as mine. And ingame there is a platinum shade in it. and if u see top of page four i have another set burger.

plus i am in the lead.
blame it on mcburger. he is taking long making a set.

i will wait as long as i have too. Patience.
Umm.. Did reekondub just get banned? does that mean he loses? xD
None of us have actually seen mcburgers set, except probably Witedevil, right?
Oh my, what is this doing here?