I'm worried about the Inactivity.We should really do something.
I been thinking people decedirus, or however it is pronounced?(no offence),is not posting cause they don't have something to talk about.
tell you what?!
we all like ingame(though we may not be good at it :@
why dont we make something like this
and maybe some other threads etcetc
Originally Posted by Aitor21 View Post
hmm that seems to be fun...
also lets do an inactivity check...
3 strikes and you are out?

I truly support this seeing some members isn't active without even posting in the inactivity thread
Sorry guys.
I've been busy with school.
I'll make a replay event when I have the time.
Also Aitor has been promoted to co-leader you'll have mod powers use them wisely
Do you really think you're in control
thank you iCo0n!
ill do use them wisely once i get to know how to use them lol
also guys start getting active i will make some active checks in strategic days
Last edited by Aitor21; Jan 12, 2012 at 03:03 AM.
^ Congratulations
First I suggest to change the ranks in the clan . second we should hold the activity check
Should the activity check be in within 2-4 weeks or monthly.?
third after the activity check if he/she fails to respond to it he/she have to face the consequence of Demotion forth if that member fails to correct it within three activity checks without a specific reason He or she will be kicked from the clan
We should have them in the rules. Do we have a [P]rule thread.?oh yea information
anyways we should write that edit the first post there too.
and oh yea
fifth.remove me from allies
sixthPm me all your parkour+sparring mods to me
ok... how would you like the clan ranking to be?
i think we should have less obvious titles
ehmm activity check should be in days when people should be expected to enter
for now i think we should keep the checking from friday to saturday 1 time per who knows.. :3
player will have 24hours to post
and player will only post 1nce in the thread only once!!! to show that they have entered in time
if the player fails to post 3 times in a row he will be kicked
he should also be kicked if he misses 3/4 but he shouldnt be kicked it he misses 17/20
ehmm i dont know if ive gained my mod powers... i dont know what a clan mod can do.. i guess he can edit other posts and "infract" people
i guess information thread should be ok to inform the clan members about the new "event"
and i have to study for my exam sorry i cant play :/
btw thank you!
Well I say we make a clan tourney.Only the clan members.We can choose the mode with a vote on.We can put a prize for the first three.
My second idea is a replay contest.We can put the best 3 replays on the replays thread so it can go into the replays.Hope you like my ideas.
Sounds pretty awesome :B. But I think the only replay makers in the clan are me, Coon, and Vsauce :P. And Vsauce isn't on for shit.
the goblin