ayyyy wasssupp remember me?

opener was a bit slow but it was good

I'd recommend not grabbing before u get a dm, but it looked like u had no choice so its okay

kick to get both pecs is good, try to get a boom that'd be pretty neat

transition to kick to the glutes was fabulous

kick to glutes is great

core is well done

nice decap
invite me to your clan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hello! you just commented on my post, so it's only fair I comment on yours back.

I can dig this replay, though it was sloppy, and a tad stiff. Perhaps let your arms act more free, being contracted through the replay makes it look odd.

I like the decap and arm dm right after, that was nice.

The transition into the pose was... it wasn't looking the best there, again it looked stiff and all over the place. The transition into the pose should be much smoother, you know?

Not a bad replay though. 7.5/10