can i have my pic to be ;

name: it says my name in the middle in Azurite and it has dark blood all over my name in middle.

background: it has like blood dripping from the top in to a puddle of blood like u know when rain drops in a puddle and it splashes like that but with blood(blood color Shaman) ill play u if u make animated my making the blood drip and splash but first i would want to see it to see if it looks good if animated .

u can add some extra stuff if u want.

r u able to make my name in pic have like it shows my name and my name agan behind it but very feint so its see threw .

and try to make it look scary or something.
Last edited by killer3366; Nov 16, 2008 at 07:42 PM.
Text color : Toxic
Background color : Demon
Another color : Vampire?
The text : NinjaAiPoM
The geometric form behind the image : Splatty paint/tribals
WOW. Thanks. I sent you an extra 50 TC. If you make me an animated one, i'll give you another 100 TC. Its not really a request, im just wondering.
Text color: White
Background color: Black-reddish
Another color: Bright red
Text: Keitaro
Animation: White glowing text!
Geometric shape: blood splatters
NinjaAiPoM i will work on it in a sec and killer


Text color :
Background color :
Another color :
The text :
The geometric form behind the image :


i just jumped the order cuz this one was just a small req i hope ninja dont get mad at me

*'s Avatar :

EDIT EDIT : Now ninja's

NinjaAiPoM :

Last edited by Skymrak; Nov 15, 2008 at 02:18 AM.
Text color : Gaia
Background color : Noxious
Another color : Gladiator
The text : You see what the cross that's in my sig ya that please
The geometric form behind the image : Umm... a spiraly tribalish thing...
lol i like em but whats with the glare at the top of each one its like an arch XD i just wondered i like to ask these sort of questions
I N C R E D I B L E H !
Here's my request, since you wanted me to make on:

Text color : Ecto
Background color : Elf
Another color : Hydra
The text : SpaceMonky
The geometric form behind the image :Whirl-pool type shape

If possible, can you put [AntiChuk-CoLeader] Below SpaceMonky with neptune as the color. by this I mean can you do, by layer (background)([AntiChuk-Chef])(SpaceMonky) with some cool effects? You get artistic freedom with those. =) I'll pay extra.

--- Is it alright f I explain the tex request in pm? it's kinda lengthy.
Last edited by Spacemonky; Nov 16, 2008 at 11:08 PM. Reason: Rudely abrupt