hi my name is hamza in real life i live in jordan,amman where the timezone is +2 and i age 13 .
iam from the players of toribash i play toribash alday long and fourms is always open
i wanna join your clan because i met a few players from your clan members they are good and away from RQ,running and all those stuff
iam a black belt in toribash iv teached 5or6 people gaved moves to begginers to make them start playing better and get happy
iam always away from RQ,running,flame and noob moves
iam good at toribash and know how to play i know alot of moves but i hate mainstream moves that all players use like: snapkick , i love to make my own
the most lovable mods to me:
TK.akidiobigdojo,akidio,lenshu and ninjatsu
Originally Posted by •Koco934
I would greatly appreciate it if you accepted me

5 replays:
Attached Files
lolll head.rpl (40.9 KB, 5 views)
wirlles decap.rpl (26.6 KB, 4 views)
uke flip lol.rpl (16.6 KB, 5 views)
how to defende.rpl (27.2 KB, 4 views)
tk DECAP.rpl (77.1 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by scorpionma; Aug 6, 2012 at 06:41 AM.
INB4 14 days ban
Originally Posted by scorpionma View Post
hi my name is hamza in real life i live in jordan,amman where the timezone is +2 and i age 13 .
iam from the players of toribash i play toribash alday long and fourms is always open
i wanna join your clan because i met a few players from your clan members they are good and away from RQ,running and all those stuff
iam a black belt in toribash iv teached 5or6 people gaved moves to begginers to make them start playing better and get happy
iam always away from RQ,running,flame and noob moves
iam good at toribash and know how to play i know alot of moves but i hate mainstream moves that all players use like: snapkick , i love to make my own
the most lovable mods to me:
TK.akidiobigdojo,akidio,lenshu and ninjatsu

You tell us that you're from a country where I know English isn't the primary language, so I'll forgive the grammar and spelling and all that. But still, the application is pretty bad. You tell us very little about yourself, you didn't include the replays, and you missed out on the "secret phrase". Also, seeing as English is clearly a language you struggle with, why would you be applying for an English-speaking clan? Communication would be extremely difficult. Unlike many of the applicants we get, you do seem like a fairly nice person. I really don't think you would fit in very well here though, considering the language thing. I'm afraid it's a no from me.
Last edited by Risk; Aug 6, 2012 at 05:48 AM.
but I speak English well but okay because you are kinda right
just gonna say your a good writer and know how to replay i liked how you replied me
PS:iam not trying to buy you or something i just love how you replied
can i edit it ?? or no
i know how to edit but i mean if i can edit it to make it better?
Last edited by scorpionma; Aug 6, 2012 at 06:43 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
INB4 14 days ban
Since your application is still being judged and reviewed, you can go ahead and edit it if you want. It's unlikely you'll change my vote, but it is possible, and you may convince other members to vote yes if you make it good enough.
Sorry, Scorpion, but my vote will also be no.
Damn, I miss you guys. I made a lot of memories here. Sup? - Nin0fShin 2018
<[Twist]Nijia> Nin doesnt cry, he makes other people cry for him!
Did you skip the first page? Just wondering, I would give you a yes but you didn't even bother to copy and paste the actual form you were supposed to fill out, so for now No.
Quilt, free-form apps are allowed, which makes me wonder if YOU read the first page. Anyways, my vote for Scorpion is a no.
I'm a nobody, and nobody's perfect. I am the definition of perfection.
Originally Posted by scorpionma View Post
hi my name is hamza in real life i live in jordan,amman where the timezone is +2 and i age 13 .
iam from the players of toribash i play toribash alday long and fourms is always open
i wanna join your clan because i met a few players from your clan members they are good and away from RQ,running and all those stuff
iam a black belt in toribash iv teached 5or6 people gaved moves to begginers to make them start playing better and get happy
iam always away from RQ,running,flame and noob moves
iam good at toribash and know how to play i know alot of moves but i hate mainstream moves that all players use like: snapkick , i love to make my own
the most lovable mods to me:
TK.akidiobigdojo,akidio,lenshu and ninjatsu

5 replays:

Sry scorpion, I met you I game and all but your English can be improved and since we are an English speaking clan, we can't accept you. We accepted hahanub into the clan but he had to leave because he could understand very well, we are afraid the same thing will happen to you. It's a no from me.
(lotus)'s co-leader|(lotus)|Loki|Nicolas|Rogue
okay i respect your dicesincs soo bye
thank u for you time ill be tring to find a clan like this
soo bye
INB4 14 days ban