hell, i'll even help you reach your goal faster by spamming this thread, go go go
Originally Posted by Nation View Post
Can someone tell me why WE care?

Cos i have no clue

I don't really care about competition anymore because Tuna thought it was stupid so I guess we are going to post normally xD, I thought it would be fun for both clans and stuff but Tuna didn't want it.
nope, it depends on the quality of the posts, so they can't be just shitty posts that lead to deliberate spam, i guess you have to be active
Our forums do lack specialty though lmao. It would look better if people just did like 3 day or weekly updates in a simple format. Explaining the practice they have done if they did anything over the weekend IRl or whatever, Add some replays here and there and mention some goals you want to achieve soon and if you have met any of your goals lately. Thats what we use to do in wapow, this way people are not pressured to post every day and just end up posting a 4 word sentence about nothing in general.
Clans I have graced with my presence
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