Original Post
For some reason i feel this game is going to be garbage
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
For some reason i feel this game is going to be garbage

Bah, as long as he keeps the fundamentals there, it'll be fine.
i'm a rare species... fox mutated half lemon...
Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
For some reason i feel this game is going to be garbage

Where is your FAITH?
If you're reading this, you just failed...
Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
For some reason i feel this game is going to be garbage

I have my doubts.
We don't have much information as of know, but the general idea of bringing a unique concept from the original developer to a modern engine with many more possibilities can only improve the experience we have now.
I highly assume hampa will keep the concept and gameplay, and add content and new mechanics ontop of those.
Originally Posted by Jodus View Post
Can this be possible to implement to Toribash Next?
Pls Hampa

-not hampa but Unity supports a lot of ways to implement this.

One of which is for example HDR

It's possible
I think our people in game aren't much, and splitting them into two games isn't the best of ideas since I don't really believe regular Toribash is going to be completely abandoned so if Toribash Next doesn't bring new people to our servers it could be a total failure. Just pointing it out for discussion. Personal opinion by the way
So will the logistics of the tori be the same, or will it change so I have to re-learn everything again?

Will grab glitches be fixed? Or will you keep it as a feature? That's a big strategy for playing ABD, but it's caused by the tori's being off balanced