Here it is sorry for the wait couldnt use the comp for a while

rarrar's Avatar

SpaceMonky's Avatar :

Last edited by Skymrak; Nov 17, 2008 at 08:12 PM.
Text color : Red
Background color : Blue
Another color : If it is joint.. i want it Qs..
The text : Cinn
The geometric form behind the image : Lighting/abstract

I want the head verison with my head on... i will pay more..

pl0x pm when done
lolwut ≧∀≦
hey can u make me one like background demon and vamp and text is marine? i pay 1k!
Go die in a hole!
Um if u mean by text colour the font colour and not a texture colour here's my order >.<

Text Colour: Vamp
Background colour: Void and Pure
Another Colour: QS
Geometric thingy: I want it to be like some of the ones u've made in the past like a head with a background I'll send u my head texture to put on the front. And I want it to Say SecondSoul written in blood on a mirror. I bet ur wondering where the demon and pure come in. I want there to be a bit of mist on the mirror and i want it to be a dark room. And I don't want the head to be in the middle i want it to be on the left side. And I want the writing to be on the right side. (because i want the head to go to the middle of the picture and same with the writing but on the other side to even it out.)
...we are talking about an avatar not a wallpaper...100x100

you could try maybe a MS Paint Sketch =P

EDIT : Tah dah ...maybe this ??


55Bobjoe's Avatar :

Last edited by Skymrak; Nov 18, 2008 at 03:11 PM.
Text color :Acid
Background color :Aqua
Another color : pure
The text :Madnesss
The geometric form behind the image :Aqua-Acid waves
P.S. don't put this glowing on the top of avatar
tc sent
Last edited by madnesss; Nov 18, 2008 at 03:42 PM.