Original Post
Chronos' Sound Editing Competition (CSEC) [20k]
Price: 20 000 There is no second or third price.

What is this?

A sound editing competition where you have to use the sounds
from the data\sounds directory to create beats and other cool stuff.
You can use other sounds too, like drum tracks,
but it should be centered mainly on the TB sounds found in the TB directory.

How will the winner be decided?

1. A group of judges will weed out the great entries from the good ones (and not so good ones).
These will then go on to the semi-finals, or finals, depending on how many participants I get.
(approximately 1/3 of the participants will get through this step)

2. A community vote will be held to decide the winner, or in case of a semi-final, to decide which ones will get into the finals.

3. A last community vote to decide the winner in case of a semi-final being held.

Current judges:
Chronos (me :])

1.Atleast 25 sounds from the sounds folder in your Toribash\Data directory must be used. You must also tell which sounds you used.

2. Min length of entries are 1 min, maximum length is 3 mins.

3. The entry must be based on the TB sounds, but you can use other sounds too. If you want to you can even use your own voice. Remember that it should consist mainly of TB sounds though.

4. The judges decides which entries makes it through to the final rounds. If you don't like that, then scram.

5. Maximum amount of participants is 30. Max entry per participant is 3.

DEADLINE: 06.14.08 (mm.dd.yy for those who didn't know)


Due to the fact that I only have 20k only the winner will get a price. I'd like to hand out a second and third price, but unless someone donates that will almost certainly not happen.

Current Participants and entries: (5:6/30:90)
DeathAwaits - (1)
Pjj - (2) First entry Second Entry
Stupinator - (1)
JePoY - (1)
Edark - (1)
Last edited by Chronos; Jun 25, 2008 at 08:31 PM.
Yeah, I'll upload your song tommorrow.

To the other contestants: If you aren't able to upload the song again please pm me and I'll try to re-upload it for you.

All of the download links have been sent to the judge in question. Hopefully he'll be able to download the entries this time.

One of the judges still haven't replied. I'm giving him one more day, if he doesn't reply I'll let this competition go on without taking his votes into account.

EDIT- Scratch that, I just found out he's been inactive for quite a while now. Public poll will be set up as soon as the judge who's still active sends me his votes.
Last edited by Chronos; Jun 22, 2008 at 06:01 PM.
If you make it a public poll it would be a popularity contest and I know for a fact that JePoY would win if that's the case.
Prelude for time feelers
Originally Posted by DeathAwaits View Post
If you make it a public poll it would be a popularity contest and I know for a fact that JePoY would win if that's the case.

Currently there's three entries left.

We just need to remove one of the entries and the public poll will be set up.

Problem is that one of the active judges haven't replied to my PM.

EDIT- I'll give him 2 days, if he haven't replied until then I'll make the decision myself.

EDIT2 - Since he hasn't replied in 2 day I'll post the 2 contestants who made it to the finals. They are:

Stupinator and Deathawaits. Congratulations on making it to the finals. A poll will be set up soon.