fnugget is it possible to sell back a flame because i have dragon magnetism rh i bought it or it is possible to change this flame to other one at the same price here? it is just a question, btwt i am fna of your flames DD
Do it with style or don't even bother doing it.
If I gave trades, I would be out the cost of two flames and you'd have one.
Sell your flame and buy something else with it, you'll have no loss and neither will I. That sounds a lot better.
If I gave trades, I would be out the cost of two flames and you'd have one.
Sell your flame and buy something else with it, you'll have no loss and neither will I. That sounds a lot better. " ok
Do it with style or don't even bother doing it.
Is it possible for you to create void hand flames, which's colors can be changed with a coloured flame particle texture? I had some handflames, which's second color could be changed with a texture.
They went from red to blue and the blue part could be changed.
If thats possible for you, how much would 2 simple hand flames be?
''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''
I will take requests now for custom flame design.
I'm all out of TC, so I accept TC now.
I would expect them to cost a lot, so please only make difficult requests. You know, the kind which only I can make.
could you forge a flame that is solid, in other words it does not blink
i need one that does not move so that i can make a crown over my head
Body part: head
Color: gold
Flame type: circular, follow( stays with head)
Price range: anything below 180k(try to do it cheap)

and when the flame is done show screen shots, if it looks nice ill buy, and send you a little extra tc's for your troubles (25-50k if thats ok)
I'll have to mess with the texture. Were you going to draw it yourself or base it off something? Draw how you want it to look on your tori, then I'll try to mess with the texture. It will end up smaller than the full 128x128.
And yeah, I can probably make a static flame for under the price.