Originally Posted by Tuna View Post
Ewwwww xbox, I'd personally go with the PS4 if I was to get a console, but hey, PC masterrace and all so that will most probably never happen

I have an Xbox :c
You wasted your money.
3 hour wait in Southampton.... Fuck this shit man.

It was delayed another hour.

picture from France

Last edited by Tuna; Oct 17, 2016 at 08:49 PM.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
Originally Posted by Tuna View Post
Ewwwww xbox, I'd personally go with the PS4 if I was to get a console, but hey, PC masterrace and all so that will most probably never happen

Both consoles have their problems, but if I were to choose one, I would take the XBone. It has more exclusives, I like the controller better, and most of all, it supports and allows external storage to download and play games. Being stuck with a 500Gb HDD to store your games is a terrible decision.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
I'd honestly go with my desktop lol, better than damn consoles l, and you can stick a controller on it if you're so gayly inclined.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
Both consoles have their problems, but if I were to choose one, I would take the XBone. It has more exclusives, I like the controller better, and most of all, it supports and allows external storage to download and play games. Being stuck with a 500Gb HDD to store your games is a terrible decision.

Stuck? My ps4 has a 2tb hard drive and it took maybe 10 minutes to get it all set up.

Having more of something doesnt make it better. Almost all of xbox's exclusives are franchises they wont let go of, or they are "mircrosoft" exclusives which means you can get it on your pc anyway, so where is the exclusion?

Crontroller is fully opinionated so I wont say anything outside the ps4 controller is far better then its old controllers like the ps3 ones. Personally, I like it.
Last edited by RAWWRH; Oct 17, 2016 at 09:23 PM.
@Tuna, yeah I would as well. I meant if I won a contest or something and was given a choice between the two.

@RAWWRH Is that a HDD that you swapped out on the inside? I was referring to that you can't plug an external drive into the PS4 and download games onto it that you can immediately play. It must be put onto the hard drive that is connected via SATA3 inside the system. Unless they changed that recently, but since its launch, it's been a huge gripe point for users.

I guess it's a combination of more exclusives, and they're series that I find more entertaining than anything Sony has put out. I enjoy Gears of War and Halo much more than I enjoy Final Fantasy (one series that Sony can't seem to let go of) and God of War.

Yeah the PS4 controller was changed heavily and is now much more different than its predecessors. While it is much more comfortable, its overall design is based on the SNES controller, which is simply uncomfortable. A couple more minor tweaks (perhaps a bit more rounding of edges) will eliminate the controller issue for me entirely.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
I don't like controllers for gaming, but then I don't really like gaming much soooo meh.
Just got back into my house in Scotland. Scotland is much nicer than France imo...

I've personally not owned a console since the PS2 and Nintendo NES...

Both the xbox one and the PS4 suck major arse tits though, not only that it is a closed system, but that it also has much worse gameplay than even a mid spec PC... The xbox one wanted to be a PC, in the way that it was a "multi-media" platform. But in the end, it sucked at that. Or at least from what I gathered... :o

Both systems have their shit bits, and maybe not so shit bits, but in general they're both shit.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
The only time I'll use a controller is for driving games (Need for Speed/Rocket League) and GTA. The keyboard controls for GTA are fucking terrible.

It seems France has become one big tourist attraction, and it's suffered for it. Scotland sounds like a super fun place to live. The only issue would be trying to understand what the fuck everyone's saying.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
A lot of Scottish people, myself included, don't really have an accent.. there are the few true scots that no one understands, even other scots. But they're often actually talking scots, which is not english, it's fucing scots, the two languages share a mutual intelligibility, the same as Australian English, and American English.

This is a good video on the Scots language, I can understand this 100%, but I talk in a primarily non-scots way. It's funny how there are many similarities in the two languages, but also really different.
(btw leeds = language, not the place)
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
Its an HDD. I cant see a reason for having an external if you can very easly upgrade the internal harddrive.