Welp tell me how many of you are qilling to take part and also include your gmt since it is required to join.
Ouh well have fun upp, maybe get to a bar and challenge someone there idk.
Yeah bquad, ray and vic are quite good in tk, mat in abd and i guess i am ok at lenshu so we have some slight chances to win at least once.
I've already sold mine. i went down to the local crossroads and stood there for three whole days, then finally he came walking by. I asked him what this would give me, as i pointed at my heart. He didn't look very impressed, but after some argumentation i lost my soul in exchange for a copy of Erdnase. Not my best buy...

I know i am boring you guys with the card-talk, but i have to share this with you:

I was sitting at a restaurant, eating pizza. I glimpsed something i recognized. I looked over and saw three boys in my age playing cards, and i was contemplating walking over there, but i soon noticed that they had no money on the table i.e. wasted effort.
It would have been so easy to acquire a sizeable advantage, since they were playing with a one-way-deck i.e. a deck with an unsymetrical back design. I will not go into detail over why it is so easy to obtain quite a large advantage in a game using a one-way-deck, but just trust me.

Just an anecdote to stir up the pot, that is, this forum.
You could've joined them tho, sometimes it's funny to play just for the lols. Talking about card games, at school we played 'uno' idk how its called in english. Our maths teacher did not come so we got in one hour later and had a free hour.
Ay mat, now we need at least 3 more ppl willing to sell their souls join the cl. I would sell mine but it turns out that I've never had one
yay i got mentioned for being kinda ok at mp :D
i really think we should join because why not? even if we know that were going to lose, we have nothing to lose. well... except for the clan league but uh, still we should try. and im ok at abd and idk about everyone else.
time to make a replay thread now. may i? pm me if i can whoever mans this thread :D