Originally Posted by Donkey View Post
You're back? Already?
Sorry, but you're going to have to apply
Just kidding, here you go...
Donkey invited Gradeger to join le on 2015-05-09.
So glad you're back. <3
Assuming you got your computer fixed and stuff?
That was an extremely fast 3 years.

Yes, as laser said, we are requesting clan rank headers/logos
It is a bit depressing that our clan artists wouldn't do it without having to be paid... but you can check it out here...
Make sure you share it around to some cool artists you know.

Thanks for the invite Donkey bby. Great to be back.

And yes, I got a new laptop :O

Welcome to Fire and dragon good to have y'all and welcome back Grad it's good to have you back man hope to see you a lot.
So I ended up stealing my comp back since me mum didn't respond to my text I took it on my own authority to give me my laptop back. I'm such a rebel I know I know. Not sure if I'll be able to keep it when she finally does respond to my question of my laptop.
I plan on warring when I can manage to get on my laptop which will hopefully be more frequent because I'm looking forward to warring with our new members and old ones.
Ur all gay, pew pew, shots fired, I like dick, yadda yadda

The past few days the toribash gods have been punishing me, random elbow dm's up the wazoo.
{Dick TBGods fucking me}

Welcome to the clan Dragon, you will love it here, trust me, we give free chocolate.

WELCOME BACK GRADEGER I LOVE YOU <333333333333333333333333
Last edited by Grim; May 9, 2015 at 07:47 AM.
♥Team Aikido-[Obey]-OoT-[Vibe]-Team Pokemon♥
The time has come, yet again, for people to be passed up from trial, and be told to pack their bags and leave.
After a long discussion with myself, I have decided to pass a total of 3 members up from Membre à L'essai (Trial Member) and promote 1 member to Chef Militaire (Warlords).

Members who have passed their trial:
  • Darkember
  • Rescudo
  • Zwift

Member who has passed their trial phase and been promoted to warlord:
  • Dragon

Congratulations to these 4 people who have really shown that they belong in our clan.
Coming off of a high note, sadly, Static has been dis-invited from the clan.
He was having urges about leaving for just under a week now, and Lurk decided it was best not to put him through any more "un-familyness".
Hopefully we can still stay in touch, Static.
We wish the best of luck for you.

I have removed all of the old member art - it looked really un-tidy.
Once we get the rank logo's, your name, belt and flag will be displayed below it.

Here's an example;
Donkey - 10th Dan Black belt -

There are a few reasons why I've come to the conclusion of doing it this way.
  • It looks neater
  • There isn't such a hassle on our artists to do a new piece of art for every new member

I know you'll like it, just wait and see them all together. ;)
father of philip scone
I really like the idea of members display, it's really better and needs less effort.

Also, I have a huge chance winning the Battle of classes event for the most duels won.
Hope I do, i will have a nice small duel hand flames and some ST's.

Congratulation for all the members who got ranked up, you absolutely deserve it.

If I was able to have one wish, it would be to live closer to my one true love Fred, his beard tastes so nice.
He is also a far superior tk player.
Donk, will I still get paid if I try doing your request on the clan logos?

Also, how dare you not know Metal Gear Solid D:
It's like the best game ever, totally not biased.

I'm your top tier waifu.
Visit my panda thread!
I'm also Event Squad! Slide into my DMs for questions!
Pssst! Aeon is just boomer Adventure. Pass it on.
Originally Posted by Donkey View Post
The time has come, yet again, for people to be passed up from trial, and be told to pack their bags and leave.
After a long discussion with myself, I have decided to pass a total of 3 members up from Membre à L'essai (Trial Member) and promote 1 member to Chef Militaire (Warlords).

Members who have passed their trial:
  • Darkember
  • Rescudo
  • Zwift

Member who has passed their trial phase and been promoted to warlord:
  • Dragon

Congratulations to these 4 people who have really shown that they belong in our clan.
Coming off of a high note, sadly, Static has been dis-invited from the clan.
He was having urges about leaving for just under a week now, and Lurk decided it was best not to put him through any more "un-familyness".
Hopefully we can still stay in touch, Static.
We wish the best of luck for you.

I have removed all of the old member art - it looked really un-tidy.
Once we get the rank logo's, your name, belt and flag will be displayed below it.

Here's an example;
Donkey - 10th Dan Black belt -

There are a few reasons why I've come to the conclusion of doing it this way.
  • It looks neater
  • There isn't such a hassle on our artists to do a new piece of art for every new member

I know you'll like it, just wait and see them all together. ;)

Thanks for moving me to Debutant, Donkey! Being part of the clan has been truly fantastic and I've met a lot of nice people.

I also think the idea of the new member "art" is simple but will do the job, and so long as you don't be a lazy female dog and give me the Scotland flag like I requested, I won't eat your legs.

Welcome back Gradeger, it's nice to have you back!

And finally, goodbye Static. It sucks to see you go, like Donkey said, keep in touch.


Originally Posted by NitrateDash View Post
Donk, will I still get paid if I try doing your request on the clan logos?

Also, how dare you not know Metal Gear Solid D:
It's like the best game ever, totally not biased.

I've never played the games, but I know what Metal Gear Solid is due to Smash Bros :-) Snake was my favorite character too.
I might have to play it sometime though...

Congratulations to Dragon for obtaining Warlord, I hope to war with you sometime in the near future.
Originally Posted by NitrateDash View Post
Donk, will I still get paid if I try doing your request on the clan logos?

Also, how dare you not know Metal Gear Solid D:
It's like the best game ever, totally not biased.

I don't even know what the plot or what the characters are for Metal Gear Solid. I've played like one or two demos of the series over the last 5 years or so, don't really like it too much.
Originally Posted by Donkey View Post
The time has come, yet again, for people to be passed up from trial, and be told to pack their bags and leave.
After a long discussion with myself, I have decided to pass a total of 3 members up from Membre à L'essai (Trial Member) and promote 1 member to Chef Militaire (Warlords).

Members who have passed their trial:
  • Darkember
  • Rescudo
  • Zwift

Member who has passed their trial phase and been promoted to warlord:
  • Dragon

Congratulations to these 4 people who have really shown that they belong in our clan.
Coming off of a high note, sadly, Static has been dis-invited from the clan.
He was having urges about leaving for just under a week now, and Lurk decided it was best not to put him through any more "un-familyness".
Hopefully we can still stay in touch, Static.
We wish the best of luck for you.

I have removed all of the old member art - it looked really un-tidy.
Once we get the rank logo's, your name, belt and flag will be displayed below it.

Here's an example;
Donkey - 10th Dan Black belt -

There are a few reasons why I've come to the conclusion of doing it this way.
  • It looks neater
  • There isn't such a hassle on our artists to do a new piece of art for every new member

I know you'll like it, just wait and see them all together. ;)

Great. thanks for moving me to warlord, I'll try my max to help the clan. c:
By the way, I like the new idea for the names, so original.
I suck.