Originally Posted by box View Post
Emoki113r. You old skool guise remember him, rite?

Yup. Was he an Emo-killer, or an Emo, who also happened to be a killer?
EDIT: Now that I remember it, he did have an Emo head, so I suppose it's the latter.
>>The Official Guv'na Fan Club<<
o7[OLDA] pride, world wide o7

He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

I has mad finger skills!
Property of [Discount_Death] 2nd Black
Originally Posted by box View Post
Why, KiT of course! Kit is the most unepic person I know!

But really. I'd say Emoki113r. You old skool guise remember him, rite?

your shits weak (YES :P)
Well, I'd have to say I'm torn between two people.

Mosier is amazing. He's super cool, and he's great at making replays. I used to make 'em, and be proud of them, just like all noobs. Then I started watching mosier's and realizing I suck. So, it was watching, and talking to him that made me start doing better replays. Boy have they improved.

Then there's Clbck. Clbck was basically the first person I really talked to in TB. I was in [ToD], and he was too. He was the person who made me bring out my talkative, joking side. Without him, I'd be a social idiot.

So yeah. They've influenced me in different ways, and I'm not sure who did more influencing.
<@Phoenix_afk> pro
My influence was myself.
Not joking. I do everything my own way

but i wonder who's hampa's influence was
I would have to say its torn between Doop, Isha, and Lightningkid.
All three great people that have made Toribash a greater experience to me and hopefully to alot of other people as well.
MrPoptart, period.
Epic modz, period.

There's very few modders that are even close to his level, and they all learnt a lot of their skills from him. (Including myself)
Too many people to choose from. :s

Deady gets my approval cos he co-made an org that doesn't make me feel like a solitary drunken bum.

ChocoSyrup would more then likely be my choice though, he was the 1st person I played online against, and after a couple of weeks of repeated spankings & tutoring I surpassed him. He was a good clan leader (when he was around) & a genuinely nice guy that I could have a good convo with etc.
Even when faced with constant abuse over the clan's leadership he never sunk to a level where he would fire back & stuck with it.
I owe him a lot.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by skulfuk View Post
Too many people to choose from. :s

Deady gets my approval cos he co-made an org that doesn't make me feel like a solitary drunken bum.

ChocoSyrup would more then likely be my choice though, he was the 1st person I played online against, and after a couple of weeks of repeated spankings & tutoring I surpassed him. He was a good clan leader (when he was around) & a genuinely nice guy that I could have a good convo with etc.
Even when faced with constant abuse over the clan's leadership he never sunk to a level where he would fire back & stuck with it.
I owe him a lot.

that is a touching story :')
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