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Ranking Updates
This thread's purpose is to gather more thoughts on Matchmaking and how it should work.

Toribash development team is currently focused on making the Matchmaking system work as you would expect a proper matchmaking to, and we would like to make sure our current plans fit community's desires and views on it. Any thoughts and new ideas are welcome and will be considered.

What is currently planned to be implemented:

  • Ranked - a "first to 3" duel
    • No mod choice - players get to fight in randomly selected mods (mod changes each fight).
      Draft mod list: aikidobigdojo.tbm, taekkyon.tbm, lenshu3ng.tbm (or rk-mma.tbm), judofrac.tbm
    • Brown belt restriction
    • Seasonal rank resets (3 months for season length)
    • No daily rank 1 reward. Instead, weekly rewards for top n players or one-time reward at the end of the season.
    • Matchmaking being the only way to rank up.

  • Unranked - a "first to 2" duel
    • Pick the mod group to play
    • No belt restriction

We also plan to disable daily rank 1 rewards for now as it has turned into "farm rank without getting caught" fest.
It doesn't mean that everybody with top ranks farmed their way up, but Event Squad members have to deal with rank-related reports on almost a daily basis. We may still reward top players in some way.

EDIT (10/03/2017):
Originally Posted by sir View Post
Matchmaking mods have been changed, mod list now consists of "classic" mods.

Grappling: aikido.tbm, aikidobigdojo.tbm, greykido.tbm
Kicking: taekkyon.tbm, erthtkv2.tbm, kickbox.tbm
Striking: lenshu3ng.tbm, rk-mma.tbm, wushu3box.tbm

Last edited by sir; Mar 12, 2017 at 12:12 AM.
Originally Posted by Dare View Post


Originally Posted by Thronior View Post


Originally Posted by cowmeat View Post


I still think this will affect good casual players, but we can't fix everything.

In general we need more players to play (advertisements? Possibly a new rank advertisement team?). Some players start playing and generally enjoy it, then they play multiplayer, but because they don't know how to play and get matched against good players, they get discouraged and decide to quit. (I have showed this game to many of my friends and it happened 100% of the time.

I suggest having the newer players play vs new players. BUT once a yellow belt wins >80% (or 70%) he will be matched vs regular players and if he the drops drastically go back to the new players. This will filter out alt accounts. Let's be honest the alt accounts are sort of ruining the new player experience

What we could also do to filter alt accounts is to attach a phone number to one account (kinda like csgo prime) and match prime vs prime (if possible due to low player count). I'm saying this because we don't just need to fix a problem, but we also have to prevent them.
"Durex < Qualatex"-Sassy
DruggedPanda also wants to be famous
About what greenblits said:

The best way to make this game grow is advertisement and making new players stay. There once was an improved tutorial thread where basically nothing happened... You should fix that...

I think the best thing that could happen to toribash rn would be a new wave of players. Many players joining at once! Like a small and short boom for thd community. To achieve this, just putting advertisements on a webside wouldn't work. A few players would maybe join every day, but they wouldn't stay simply because of the lack of players of the same skill lvl.

Hey not to sound too intrusive, but please try to stay on topic. Thanks! -Slau

And now back to matchmaking:

Advertise it a lot throughout the toribash community, at leat make the people who are already playing toribash use it.
Last edited by Slau; Mar 13, 2017 at 09:35 PM. Reason: user informed
well...talking about matchmaking,yeah advertising it on the website would be useful,but putting it between free play and mp wouldnt be too useful.


because the window for matchmaking appears right in your face when you start the game,so.......
"Life is a journey, not a destination, enjoy the ride, with its ups and downs!"
Originally Posted by inmmortal8 View Post
well...talking about matchmaking,yeah advertising it on the website would be useful,but putting it between free play and mp wouldnt be too useful.


because the window for matchmaking appears right in your face when you start the game,so.......

nope it doesn lol, except maybe when you press on free play, but most players who press on freeplay want to play sp anyways
I have an other idea to keep players playing in the match making.

It basically a multiplier, every game you win in a row you can get your tc multiplied, there could also be a cap at some point. I dont know what the multiplier shoold be. but I think it will attract more players. Because now they play for tc in bet servers and in duel servers.
"Durex < Qualatex"-Sassy
DruggedPanda also wants to be famous
I want a chance to get Super Duper Rare Items
Scribe pls c:
[OSHI] [Judo Organization] [Aether] [Team AikidoBigDojo] [PSN]
[3:50:35 PM] Sam: I'm a lyrical, cynical, rythmical demon.
Spittin out lines like I spit out hot semen.....
Taking a break...
Originally Posted by Pair View Post
I want a chance to get Super Duper Rare Items

for example?
"Life is a journey, not a destination, enjoy the ride, with its ups and downs!"
you have the same idea as me but,
it would be great if you were able to vote on the type of gamemode/mod
>>I Hate My Life<<
I joined toribash since Apr, 2012
I don't like the random mod thing. There should be a queue for each mod and you get to chose which queue you join.