what is your belt (minimum is BROWN!!!): Brown
why do you want to join: because ive been looking for about 2 days for a clan and this one ive met two of the people and there well good at fighting and repectful and this was the best ive seen
how could you help us: im a good fighting and a good dq'er but my defaults are that my saves arnt very good but i can do them
will you be loyal?: yes the only way i will join a different one is if this clan gets disbanded
activity on thread (1-10): 6
activity ingame (1-10): 8
will you follow the clans rules: yes
age (fill if you want to you dont have to):
Any bans or infractions?: no
your usercard: gasyboy
2 replays(sp or multiplayer dont care): sorry cant get any
best and worst mods: my best would be judo and aikido but im not very good at the weird ones
any past clans: no
anyone you know from this clan: no but ive met kmikikillaz on a server
tell us about yourself: well ive played toribash for a while but quit at one point as my compter coundnt halder it so i got a new one and im back plus i am loyal and will stick by my word.
we need a new apps thread... anyone can do it?
so, gasyboy, you can join in quantum's server?
/jo quant
I'll do a little test 4 u!
Last edited by Thanatos; May 17, 2012 at 02:55 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
[fl0w][Alpha][Catalyst][Submerge][Calamity][Swosh][Scourge][Colors][Neko][Miner][Kunt][deprav][Possesed][TMO-Leader][Proud Council member of TeamLenshu]
B3et3v3r we got our thread back because are awesome leader Drkarlwho -love u Karl - (no homo) made new one it was either him or the co leader Downstem or Yassir
Ill be on in a few minutes guys and mistermat keep that server open for men plox.
Last edited by Rust; May 17, 2012 at 04:20 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Stay humbility and you will shake it til you make it ;)
Mmm I'm likely just bored
We should participate in tourneys so we can earn some money to make our clan official, don't you think?

Originally Posted by XheroS View Post
We should participate in tourneys so we can earn some money to make our clan official, don't you think?

Xhero, always try to do that, but not always works. xD
Always I send 50% of what I get for clan.
[fl0w][Alpha][Catalyst][Submerge][Calamity][Swosh][Scourge][Colors][Neko][Miner][Kunt][deprav][Possesed][TMO-Leader][Proud Council member of TeamLenshu]
CAJIAT Nice decap tho, yes from me, im gonna go ahead and invite u, try be ingame so i can test you.
@Firetiger It was me who copyed the first post of our old thread and send it to karl, Y U NO GIMMI SUM LUV?? lol!!!!
@Mister thanks for ur compliment , yeah man we're getting tons of apps i think we should make the recruitment thread again! karl u think u could do it?

@gasyboy, im kinda going to a no man. since u have no expirence in clans u dont sound like a poster kinda guy.

@all im very happy with the activity guys keep it up :-D i saw chris ingame today so i guess hes back from his vacation

@Quantbank heres some tc for ya
You've sent OVER NINE THOUSAND toricredits to quantbank.
Last edited by yassir12; May 17, 2012 at 05:46 AM.
@Yassir, thank you for my lunch sir however, im not satisfied VVVVV

@ALL I have swallowed 33k. Please donate more! MORE! MUCH MORE!! not much left for 50k, offical
And oh guys i just noticed something, i had 190 posts but when thread got deleted im back to 100, meaning we lose our posts :c