It's cool how this has actually become a point of discussion. Awhile back, it seemed like you guys just stopped talking and let the clan fade on its own.

I've stopped playing Toribash. Been busy with college lately. Only time I actually use my computer is when I have schoolwork that needs me to make a Word document (like right now).
Last edited by Bulletron; Jul 6, 2017 at 01:18 PM.
a spoon.
Originally Posted by Tuna View Post
Maybe you should actually look at the clan roster once in a while, there's been a new leader for a while now.

yeah hi guys
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Originally Posted by Tuna View Post
Maybe you should actually look at the clan roster once in a while, there's been a new leader for a while now.

not what i meant but alright?
Ironiclly enough, the most active this thread has been in a while is to talk about the clans death.

Perhabs we identify anyone interested in keeping our "community" alive and work together on either keeping this clan board active, (though, as tuna said, the forum is pretty outdated) or find a new location we can all agree on.

Right now this banter isnt really helping anything.
Originally Posted by Virus View Post
not what i meant but alright?

i don't think what you said could be taken any other way then telling tuna to give someone else leadership (i.e you want it), which he had already done quite a while ago

if you're going to try to call someone out, don't pretend like you weren't just because you were wrong

Originally Posted by Tuna View Post
In my opinion, if we're going to for the social aspect, we should not be limited by the forums of toribash, it's running on a fairly outdated version of vBulletin, and is limited on what we can do.

I'm up for us having a forum outside of toribash, who knows, maybe I'll start playing games again?

depends on what other places we can migrate to, discord is kinda messy & incoherent
in the name of the manly balthier send me your orc/chronos/gladiator items
Originally Posted by Virus View Post
not what i meant but alright?

What Lorrtex said on the matter, I'll add on it though, I'll be to the point. I'm not giving you leadership, I may have lost motivation on keeping inq alive, but I'm not about to hand over leadership to the first person that asks, I've also already added more leadership to the clan.

Soon I'll be back from France and I'll remake how the leadership role works in the clan.
Should be back on Friday.
(Spoiler, I'll be adding democracy to the clan)
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
Ironiclly enough, the most active this thread has been in a while is to talk about the clans death.

Perhabs we identify anyone interested in keeping our "community" alive and work together on either keeping this clan board active, (though, as tuna said, the forum is pretty outdated) or find a new location we can all agree on.

Right now this banter isnt really helping anything.

This discussion has, ironically, given me a little motivation to work out a way to keep us together, now that I see you're not all totally dead.
Originally Posted by Lorrtex View Post
i don't think what you said could be taken any other way then telling tuna to give someone else leadership (i.e you want it), which he had already done quite a while ago

if you're going to try to call someone out, don't pretend like you weren't just because you were wrong

depends on what other places we can migrate to, discord is kinda messy & incoherent

Perhaps we host our own forum, maybe we could use discord?
Although I say we use an alternative to both and use Matrix, I'll look into hosting it ASAP.

Okay, I've looked into it, I'll be hosting a Riot web front, like Discord, and a Matrix server.
I wont be asking for help in the payments because I can easily cover it.

This, to me, seems like a pretty solid idea, because there are plenty of clients for most platforms to access Matrix servers.
It's like if IRC and Discord made a nice opensource modern child.

I've also found a way to bridge Matrix and Discord, so those that want to stay on that shitty platform can.
Last edited by Tuna; Jul 8, 2017 at 04:45 PM.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
As far as the Matrix thing goes, if people here are like me then I highly doubt that will pay off in the end, and people will lose interest in it after a week or so. The only places I'm "active" on are places that I'm actually interested in. I was interested in the toribash forums because I actually played toribash as was a part of the community. Now that I no longer play toribash I don't really feel like a part of the community, and don't feel motivated to get on the forums anymore. The only forum I do use is the MAL (MyAnimeList) forum, and thats because thats the place I go to update my anime list as I watch stuff, there's something keeping me there besides the social interactions. So the way I see this is if Matrix only offers social interaction with what will be a small group of people, then I fear that within a week or so people will begin to stop coming by, and slowly over time it will die just like this forum.

Now while I know some of you don't like it, I'll use it as an example anyways, Discord was a good option for me. Discord linked together people that I played with from multiple games and other forums, which gave me a lot of reason to actually use it, and continue using it, even if some people don't prefer it. So if we're going to migrate outside of Toribash forums, I think it needs to be to a place that either serves to more than one gaming community that people here are interested in, or to a place that offers more than one service such as socializing.

Another good point someone made a while back is "recruiting", bringing in new members is a must for a social group, whether it be on toribash or outside of it. Its an inevitable fact that a group/community without incomming members will die, because people are certain to eventually leave/go-inactive. So thats just another reason I don't think it would be good to socialize on what would be a hidden area of the internet, it would be better for us to use a well-known forum with lots of traffic (though I don't know what matrix is, so if its actually super active with people then thats good for us).

P.S. Personally as an Anime/Manga lover I wouldn't mind just creating a Club on MAL (MyAnimeList) that would serve as a free mini-forum, with the ability to invite members, and create multiple threads. Though i'm not too sure how many of you could be labeled as Anime/Manga fans, so I wouldn't want to suggest this if everyone wasn't comfortable moving there.
Last edited by Kohta; Jul 8, 2017 at 05:03 PM.
AnimePlanetMyAnimeListDiscord: Kohta#1577 • NikosTunaPouffyAubreyGuessTenRythm
• No longer "active" on Toribash. Leave a PM if you need something, I'll eventually see it. •
• Crippled/Disabled girls are the best girls a guy could have. •
Originally Posted by Kohta View Post
As far as the Matrix thing goes, if people here are like me then I highly doubt that will pay off in the end, and people will lose interest in it after a week or so. The only places I'm "active" on are places that I'm actually interested in. I was interested in the toribash forums because I actually played toribash as was a part of the community. Now that I no longer play toribash I don't really feel like a part of the community, and don't feel motivated to get on the forums anymore. The only forum I do use is the MAL (MyAnimeList) forum, and thats because thats the place I go to update my anime list as I watch stuff, there's something keeping me there besides the social interactions. So the way I see this is if Matrix only offers social interaction with what will be a small group of people, then I fear that within a week or so people will begin to stop coming by, and slowly over time it will die just like this forum.

Now while I know some of you don't like it, I'll use it as an example anyways, Discord was a good option for me. Discord linked together people that I played with from multiple games and other forums, which gave me a lot of reason to actually use it, and continue using it, even if some people don't prefer it. So if we're going to migrate outside of Toribash forums, I think it needs to be to a place that either serves to more than one gaming community that people here are interested in, or to a place that offers more than one service such as socializing.

I'm sure we can find a few games we all like? I'm up for hosting some game servers, maybe something else.

I totally agree with you, without a mutual thing to keep us together, we shall stop talking.
So lets create that thing.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
Edited my post tuna, read the last bit I added as an idea.
AnimePlanetMyAnimeListDiscord: Kohta#1577 • NikosTunaPouffyAubreyGuessTenRythm
• No longer "active" on Toribash. Leave a PM if you need something, I'll eventually see it. •
• Crippled/Disabled girls are the best girls a guy could have. •