Originally Posted by ToonWorld View Post
That shows you have no idea how OP AP shaco is. Gtfo till you learn this. I soloed Baron as AP shaco fool.

All hope for humanity is gone...
The ONE thing an ap shaco can do is stack boxes. Sure that might get you a kill here or there. But as soon as a team fight breaks out. You'll be ripped a new asshole... You'll be little to no assistance to your team, and is basically only used for lulz...

INB4 obviously never tried ap shaco
INB4 don't know full potential
INB4 can't INB4
Originally Posted by Hamster View Post
Hurricane is core on Twitch and Kog'Maw, and should be left alone for most other champions.

I'm still convinced that static shiv is a hirarious teemo joke weapon.

static shiv + hurricane on hybrid on-hit teemo...

dafuq just happened
Originally Posted by ToonWorld View Post
That shows you have no idea how OP AP shaco is. Gtfo till you learn this. I soloed Baron as AP shaco fool.

you're an idiot, and you should feel like one. if you don't know how to play against ap shaco you are doing something horribly wrong

Originally Posted by Hamster View Post
Hurricane is core on Twitch and Kog'Maw, and should be left alone for most other champions.


works as an situational item on Miss Fortune too.
Last edited by laststand; Dec 11, 2012 at 10:25 AM.
I'm a fucking professional!
You obv have no idea what he is capable of when in capable hands.

You all talked down about many of my builds. But because you don't know how to us them you think they fail.

Think again kiddo's.
I've actually watched Zekent rape as AP shaco...

so what were you on about laststand?
Originally Posted by Przero View Post
I've actually watched Zekent rape as AP shaco...

so what were you on about laststand?

saying it being far from viable in any team comp. i couldn't actually care less about one pro player raping in a couple of games with it. you can play it well, but it will not be viable for that reason. it's still just a lulz pick, and he probably just picked it for that.

I mean come on. anyone can rape with any champion building stupid shit, but that doesn't mean you're gonna do it every game.

Him calling AP shaco OP is retarded because it isn't, even a half brain dead person above lvl 20 won't run after an ap shaco into a brush, it's about as stupid as chasing singed
Last edited by laststand; Dec 11, 2012 at 12:36 PM.
I'm a fucking professional!
Originally Posted by eddy1217 View Post
All hope for humanity is gone...
The ONE thing an ap shaco can do is stack boxes. Sure that might get you a kill here or there. But as soon as a team fight breaks out. You'll be ripped a new asshole... You'll be little to no assistance to your team, and is basically only used for lulz...

INB4 obviously never tried ap shaco
INB4 don't know full potential
INB4 can't INB4

Shaco's shit at teamfighting anyway, you just split push with him. AP is kinda alright, but it's not really a serious build tbh. It's fun, is all.
Is muramana a thing on ryze?
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
only if you play AD ryze.
buy archangels ;o
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Originally Posted by BladesOnToast View Post

I know building the phantom dancer was silly, I accidentally sold my last whisper and decided I'd rather the attack speed + movement speed. My whole team was retarded and fed them like bitches, still managed to go alright.

Your team had 3 carries, AD, and a hardly Ad/Ap champ, it was pretty obvious the enemy team was gonna win, kinda surprised they didn't all buy armor though, that would've screwed you even more.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.