Originally Posted by Sicks View Post
Well, its called mainstream because most people know and like it and so they talk about it.
I asked my friend if they have watched Haruhi and they gave me this "What the hell is that?" look in their eyes, lol.

If you think Haruhi isn't mainstream, you're an idiot. Not trying to offend you, but that's the truth.

Originally Posted by Agentmax View Post
If you think about it, every anime is mainstream, cause if you and a group of friends watch it. Then if thats all you talk about. Its mainstream to you. Also! Just cause someone hasn't heard about it or you haven't doesn't make not mainstream.... I think thats right... Something like that.


Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
xD its the amount of people that watch it at one time that makes it mainstream, if its got its views up to a large amount of people within a short period of time, and it stays that way for a while, its classed as Mainstream

Not necessarily. The high-activity factor does come into play to categorize it but the genre and target audiences play a large role in determining what is mainstream or not. More specifically, whether or not the anime was made to get views or to be unique. If you have an anime series that is similar to Naruto or Bleach and it were to have only a tenth of the viewers, it would still be accurate to classify it as mainstream. It just hasn't captured that target audience.

AnoHana, for example, is definitely not mainstream. Nor is Usagi Drop or Clannad.
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Originally Posted by LastGod View Post
If you think Haruhi isn't mainstream, you're an idiot. Not trying to offend you, but that's the truth.

None taken. Actually I was talking about my friends reaction toward my statement, not talking whether it is being a mainstream or not. But I do think Haruhi isn't a mainstream though. XD
At least its not mainstream in my country.
Most people here won't even try to look at anime which genre isn't pure action, they consider it as a total fail. Strangely, many of them hate Dragonball for no reason.
Originally Posted by Sicks View Post
None taken. Actually I was talking about my friends reaction toward my statement, not talking whether it is being a mainstream or not. But I do think Haruhi isn't a mainstream though. XD
At least its not mainstream in my country.
Most people here won't even try to look at anime which genre isn't pure action, they consider it as a total fail. Strangely, many of them hate Dragonball for no reason.

I don't like Dragon Ball either, to me its like Power Rangers, something you could watch when you were little, but it becomes that thing you all go "Its shit, made for little kids" But you all secretly think its awesome xD
Originally Posted by Sicks View Post
I like the original japanese version Power Rangers to be honest.

Oh man, there was recently a random "Power Rangers: Samurai" thing on TV. a few days ago. I was multitasking at the time, but damn can Westerners produce some utter rubbish.
[19:32] <@darilu-kun> tori = furry, bash = pride
I've been inactive for about 4 months in the anime scene and I'm going to get back into it for a bit.. going to start with some of the new seasons and episodes that have been released recently, right now trying to catch up on Shakugan no Shana season 3.
Originally Posted by Kyou-kun View Post
Oh man, there was recently a random "Power Rangers: Samurai" thing on TV. a few days ago. I was multitasking at the time, but damn can Westerners produce some utter rubbish.

Not all Western stuff is bad. It's just that Westerners' attempts to imitate foreign things absolutely suck.
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I wanna watch the world god only knows but i cant find a torrent with enough seeds to download it.

Do you guys have one or could you help me find one?

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

Official minibash tester. Please email [email protected] if you have found a bug!

Crunchyroll has I think or least I saw something like that if not try animeseason I know they have it they have everything O_O
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
Originally Posted by SlipAnc View Post
I wanna watch the world god only knows but i cant find a torrent with enough seeds to download it.

Do you guys have one or could you help me find one?

We have it on our seedbox, ask fireless to move it to the public area and you can just FTP it down.