ES Recruitment Drive
Real name:Parker
Ingame name:EpikMan
Forum activity 1 to 10:7.9
Ingame activity 1 to 10:10
What country you live in:United States
Previous clans:None
Why you wish to join:I wish to join because this clan seems like a clan to win in a clan battle. Also my friend is in this clan and i would like to join him.
Real Name: Greg
Ingme: tryforce99
Forum Activity: 7
Ingame activity:7-9
Belt: 3rd dan
rank: 250
Country: America
Clans: Acp,iCoF
Why you wish to join: I think this clan is succseful and I could learn a few things from here.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Real Name:Jesse
in game name:mx330
Forum activity:7
Ingame activity:10
What country you live in:USA
Previous clans:NO clan
Why you wish to join:because you guy are awsome and a=i am good
Hey Im Friends With Doodledoo and im a brown belt and im really good at freerunning and multiplayer and he wants you to add me to ur clan so u can hook me and u up with a match so u can see how good i am
Ok I will invite you, but you have to be active, when I see that you are forum active I will take you out of the trial members
Pwr's Alt
Real name: Kevin
Ingame name: Epicman555
Forum activity 1 to 10: 6
Ingame activity 1 to 10: 9
Belt: Black
Rank: 3326
What country you live in: Canada
Previous clans: Sm0ke
Why you wish to join: I got kicked in the last one so I'm just looking for a clan i could join. Just because clans are cool