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Ok, so I hate hearing other respected or unkknown players complaining about D7. HAVE RESPECT FOR ALL ON TB.

I will mention no names but one of you, (and you know who you are), has caused problems with my old wushu school ''Leaf Dojo''.

Even if you think you know better or think your more skilled dont bost about it, this is not the D7 way.

Grow up and rise above it.
Cmon guys. Why do some of you do this?
how does boasting make you feel better?
fl0w. Logo Designer, PM me.
umm lol idk what yah talking about but i have a fight with a guy named ziknon on tb , he is really anoyin we are fightin like 2 months now flamin each other and shiz but ive stoped to talk to him cause of the clan rep im just ignorin him now and if u where talkin on me so im sorry .

Please fix your grammar and spelling. It looks so scruffy.
Last edited by NobleDemon; May 20, 2010 at 02:46 AM.
nan it was me , well i had my own reason but it has all passed now

also game me idea for event
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
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