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[Forum] How to gain respect
This is a tutorial for people who want to earn some repsect.

Tip 1: Read the rules and the FAQ before ever posting.

Yeah, everyone hates people who ask stupid questions, or post threads where they don't have to.

Tip 2: Post in a decent grammar.
If you're going to post make sure that the message is somehow understandable.

hay, cn u halp me, whn eye upen tb it wird

^What the hell did he just say?

Hi, can anyone help me, when ever I open Toribash, some weird thing happens (...)

^You see the diference?

Tip 3: Do NOT EVER use smiles.
So... don't use smiles, it totally ruins a post.

Let's spar!!!

^(obviously just some random noob trying to get attention)

Hi, anyone in the mood for a spar?

^Why, sure. /jo (blabla)

Tip 4: Don't act like you're the best.
So, lots of people lately have been acting like they're the king of toribash.

Oh you won cause you're a lucky fuck! Now imma play for real! N00B!!!


We all hate those, now, don't we?

Tip 5: Don't feed the troll.
Just DON'T. You'll end up wasting your time, and being badly known, for not just ignoring the beast.

Tip 6: Respect the moderators, and don't abuse your luck!
Seriously, being hated by any type of mods is one of the last things you'll want.
If they give you a chance, use it well, don't abuse it.

Tip 7: Be friendly, not an asshole.
It's kind of obvious, if you want respect, you need good friends to support you, and help you.

Tip 8: Postcount and Joindate mean nothing.
Join date only means you found out about toribash earlier, and post count... well... doesn't matter, just shows people how much you talk. Don't spam, to gain postcount, it's just going to annoy people.

Tip 9: Art forum is for CONSTRUCTIVE criticism!
Seriously don't just say you don't like it, try to be more constructive.

It sucks.

^User infracted for this post: Useless post.

It's nice, alright, but you should try, to make the colors more natural, and add some shading (...)

^Thanks, I'll try.

;__________;__________;__________;__________;_____ _____;__________;__________

Thanks for reading my tips, and hopefuly, I'll make some more soon.
Last edited by Dinis; Apr 17, 2011 at 11:19 AM.
Good job on this Dinis, i think it could of used a little bit better lay out imo. Can't wait to hear the other tips.
You should also add not to spam it up in their posts just for the post count.
Especially in the art board.
People should have more constructive criticism in their posts.

join date is directly related to how cool you are
TeamSambo - [ R A W R ] - BnW

Originally Posted by WeRd View Post

join date is directly related to how cool you are

<evil> srsly people forgot that most part of toribash community is douchebags... lead by shin
@Umbre: I'll try to think of some more.
@Firebolty: Added.
@Werd and Shin: well, I'm not saying you shouldn't belive in that.
@Pal: No.
Nice tut Dinis, I'm sure this will help heaps of people with gaining respect. Also hopefully reduce the amount of fail posts there are these days >.>
Life is like Basketball. Aim, Concentrate, Balance and Following through. That's all you ever need to accomplish your goals.
I hope that this'll decrease the amount of trolls, and spammers. Good job on it, though it looks like Birdflu already made something like it.
[Fr3styL]|TNT|Rooyall: Wanna smell my dick? Me: Why not? Rooyall: That's what I ask the girls all the time..
I think that this is a really good tutorial, beacuse there are a LOT of a**es out there. This will definently show people how to behave in a forum.

And maybe you should add: That it's wise to watch your language, by that i mean not to swear to your hearts content.