Original Post
[AUCTION] Clown Set
So, I made a clown set for a request, and it didn't sell. So, I've decided to auction it.

Here's the head:

Since I made it, I have edited the parts of it that I didn't quite like(the right forearm and the hands), but I haven't gotten around to taking a new screen shot. I might soon. Anyway, ontopic: If there isn't much interest in it, I'm going to lower the minimum bid.

Min. Bid: 20k
Min. Raise: 10k
AutoBuy: 150k
Last edited by megaJuice; Mar 28, 2009 at 10:48 PM.
Like I said, I'm probably going to lower the price. I made it for a 200k request, so that's why the price is high XD

I lowered it though.
lol i would put stating price much lower : 50k lol! i wouldnt even give 50k autobuy
but gl with this auction
gookd styexty sety mqan i qanty tyhe heqad qand tyhe sety b9uty oi oknlty gokty i mill tycsqa aqnd im getytying vokid elf qand mqatybe sokmeoktyhe5r oknes b9uty im getytying ity lie in 2 daqtys