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Wushu comeback tutorial
Wushu comeback tutorial

I decided to make this tutorial becuase alot of people dont know how to do comebacks.

Say you are playing wushu and the enemy kicks you away and you are loosing. All you have to do while you flying is relax all and get in a position to fly back and attack:

Once you have landed in a comeback position click or fling and try edit it to work better before you run out of time.

If you have anything that I can add: PM me or post.

thank you for reading.
fl0w. Logo Designer, PM me.
This is a good tutorial for people who want general tips on comebacks, also using wrists can help a lot as you can position your arms easier than you can position your legs.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
Also your shoulders and pecs help to get back easily if you had your shoulder lowered and you pec extended by raising it and contracting your pec you'll get to a standard form for a comeback. It only works in certain positions if your facing the ground

What MarcoYeh said is very true. I think it's the best way to create a comeback, by contracting then extending your wrists you get yourself a push onto your opponent it can be done more than once.

I had a replay where I did 2 push's with my wrists and won, don't know if I still have it.
ok, try this:
the 1st times you try you might dq.
thats how you learn.

My way:
Insted of bending your arm/elbow
try geralxing your arm/elbow then your rest hold it in a
launch position.
Clan/Org's: [GATA] /[Wushu Leaguevl.2] [Jolly Roger]
<b[No]Stupinator>: Wat server with so many grat players
<b[No]Stupinator>: I Notice you Ofi :D
<WL[JollyR]Ofillusion>: Im awsome stup?
<b[No]Stupinator>: Oyea:D