Re: º°”˜`TSRabbit's sig+avatar shop`”°º (first 5 half price! 3 left!)
Ill take a sig avi set. can you make the colors green?
and please message me when you post back cause i may not remember to come to this post.
Chuck Norris is in fact the most deadliest weapon on this planet, But then there's EmpreamKick
Re: º°”˜`TSRabbit's sig+avatar shop`”°º (first 5 half price! 3 left!)
I just want a sig, please (already have an avy. :P)

Name: Lord_Inquisitor
Color: Blue, dark blue at bottom, light blue at top.
Text: Left align: Unstoppable, All caps, in gold/red (red outline, gold fill)
Pose: Could you make a POV-ray where I'm holding a head Hamlet-style (as if I was inspecting it)?
Image: Attached (change size if need be, which it probably is)

This would be awesome! I'll pay you 40 creds (just a sig remember?)

The Emperor Protects!

~I refute the conventions of mortal existence. It is much more enjoyable to be a god.~
Re: º°”˜`TSRabbit's sig+avatar shop`”°º (first 5 half price! 3 left!)
Sent the Money.
Re: º°”˜`TSRabbit's sig+avatar shop`”°º (no more half price!)
Drak's done, going to work on the other 2. (empream needs to give me more info)

Originally Posted by mosier
Pose: is it possible to have like a picture of me split kicking uke?
Oh, and before I forget... I was just wondering if every sig you make will have the same style as your's and ADT's?

Well, if you want the kick, it may not work due to the size of the sig, and if you're going to have it you'll have to post it yourself, because i'm too lazy and i don't know what type of split you want. The sig will have the same style as mine and ADT's, that's why I made the sig shop.
Lord Inquisitor, unless I can give you another pose, i'd rather you supply the POV yourself.
Re: º°”˜`TSRabbit's sig+avatar shop`”°º (no more half price!)
Can u just add on the Sig , Cursed? at a corner plz, im paying more 5 creds for that.
Re: º°”˜`TSRabbit's sig+avatar shop`”°º (no more half price!)
Okay, I updated the sig:
Re: º°”˜`TSRabbit's sig+avatar shop`”°º (no more half price!)
Thnx. Oh, and i edited some points on the images, hope it doenst matter to you.
Re: º°”˜`TSRabbit's sig+avatar shop`”°º (no more half price!)
That's fine, it's yours now.
Re: º°”˜`TSRabbit's sig+avatar shop`”°º (no more half price!)
I can't make a POV-ray image. If you really can't could you just have a ripping the head off pose?

~I refute the conventions of mortal existence. It is much more enjoyable to be a god.~
Re: º°”˜`TSRabbit's sig+avatar shop`”°º (no more half price!)
Alright, I have one of those, but it'll have to be small to fit the arm and the body in, if you want I could just show the severed head?