Original Post
~ Mod Snippets ~
I figured it'd be handy if people had a place to post little snippets of mod code for everyone to use.

The rules are simple:
-Only snippets here. If you need a snippet from someone, send them a PM or ask for it in the Mod Questions thread. If you want to show someone your appreciation, send them a PM or credit them when you post your snippet-enhanced mod.
-Always use CODE tags around your snippets. (The # button in the post form)

If you disregard these two simple rules, not only will I kill and eat you; I'll get you infracted too.


Here's something to start it off: a modification of triceps, wrists and hands, so you can start off holding a weapon in front of you.

joint r_elbow
range 1.1 -1.55

body r_triceps
shape box
pos 0.225 0.7 2.3
sides 0.1 0.4 0.1

joint r_wrist
shape sphere
pos 0.225 0.45 2.3

body r_hand
shape box
pos 0.25 0.3 2.3
sides 0.22 0.22 0.22
alt_sides 0.21 0.21 0.21

joint l_elbow
range 1.1 -1.55

body l_triceps
shape box
pos 1.75 0.7 2.3
sides 0.1 0.4 0.1

joint l_wrist
shape sphere
pos 1.75 0.45 2.3

body l_hand
shape box
pos 1.725 0.3 2.3
sides 0.22 0.22 0.22
alt_sides 0.21 0.21 0.21
Last edited by Skazz; Feb 13, 2009 at 01:36 AM.
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack
time for my contribution:

ive always wondered what the knee bug was.... now i know. D8. take out the bug and replace by the other commented out stuff, and you'll have square, but working legs.
# mpjetjoust (altered by blkk)

engagedistance 200

body r_thigh
shape cylinder
rot 90 0 0
sides 0.12 0.3 0.0
pos 0.8 1.6 .5
#shape box
#sides 0.21 0.6 0.21
#pos 0.8 1.3 0.8

body l_thigh
shape cylinder
rot 90 0 0
sides 0.12 0.3 0.0
pos 1.2 1.6 .5
#shape box
#sides 0.21 0.6 0.21
#pos 1.2 1.3 0.8

body head
pos 1.0 1.45 2.05
body breast
pos 1.0 1.5 1.6

body chest
pos 1.0 1.5 1.35

body stomach
pos 1. 1.55 1.15

body groin
pos 1.0 1.6 0.95

body r_pecs
pos 0.75 1.5 1.55

body r_biceps
pos 0.45 1.5 1.7

body r_triceps
pos 0.05 1.5 1.7

body r_hand
pos -0.35 1.45 1.7

body l_pecs
pos 1.25 1.5 1.55

body l_biceps
pos 1.55 1.5 1.7

body l_triceps
pos 1.95 1.5 1.7

body l_hand
pos 2.35 1.45 1.7

body r_butt
pos 0.8 1.6 0.85

body l_butt
pos 1.2 1.6 0.85

joint r_hip
pos 0.79 1.6 0.8
range 2.4 -.4

joint l_hip
pos 1.21 1.6 0.8
range 2.4 -.4

joint r_glute
pos 0.9 1.7 0.91
radius 0.165

joint l_glute
pos 1.1 1.7 0.91
radius 0.165

joint abs
pos 1.0 1.6 1.05

joint lumbar
pos 1.0 1.55 1.25

joint chest
pos 1.0 1.5 1.45

joint r_pecs
pos 0.85 1.45 1.6

joint r_shoulder
pos 0.65 1.5 1.7

joint r_elbow
pos 0.25 1.5 1.7

joint r_wrist
pos -0.2 1.5 1.7

joint l_pecs
pos 1.15 1.45 1.6

joint l_shoulder
pos 1.35 1.5 1.7

joint l_elbow
pos 1.75 1.5 1.7

joint l_wrist
pos 2.2 1.5 1.7

joint neck
pos 1.0 1.5 1.9

joint r_knee
range 0.8 -1.5

joint l_knee
range 0.8 -1.5
^^this is the "take a shit" stance. Have Fun


also, this ones pretty simple

env_obj 1
pos x y z

env_obj 2
pos (2-x) ( -y-0.25) (z)
where x,y,z are any number, object 1 is the tori/uke reflection of object 2
- its been a while
I liked now modders can put all the codes for somethings
but for me it is useless

Infracted for ignoring the thread's rules
Last edited by SkulFuk; Feb 16, 2009 at 11:55 PM.
heres a snippet i use all the time for sword mods and stuff. taken from the double katana mod. cheers to (i think) Danvari.

body r_hand
shape box
sides 0.22 0.22 0.22
alt_sides 0.2 0.2 0.2
pos -0.35 0.85 2.3
rot 0 0 0
force 0 0 0
color 1 1 1
material flesh
flag 32

joint r_wrist
radius 0.11
pos -0.2 0.9 2.3
axis 0 1 0
rot 0 0 0
range 0.5 -1.4
strength 2.0
velocity 60.0
flag 6

body l_hand
shape box
sides 0.22 0.22 0.22
alt_sides 0.2 0.2 0.2
rot 0 0 0
force 0 0 0
color 1 1 1
material flesh
flag 32

joint l_wrist
radius 0.11
axis 0 1 0
rot 0 0 0
range 0.5 -1.4
strength 2.0
velocity 60.0
flag 6
Last edited by RedDevil; Feb 19, 2009 at 08:18 PM.
- its been a while