Original Post
[Khaos] Recruiting
In order to get us to be an official clan we first off need at least four people, and second anyone who joins and is willing to donate that would be great. Here are the requirements:

-Must be blue belt and Higher
-Been on Toribash for more than a month
-Must have at least 500TC
-Must not complain if beaten by others no matter how noobish the defeat was
-Must not wear tag if not part of Khaos

The application should have that your Toribashers name, Date of joining Toribash, and how many TC's you have. If the requirements are met we will look over it and give you a response as soon as possible.

If you are accepted you will have joined the next big clan!
P.S: If wishing to join just send me a message or reply here belowV
Last edited by Agentmax; Dec 31, 2010 at 12:14 AM. Reason: Information left out