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[REL] eletric orgy
a eletric fence two peoples with a stun baton
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eletric_orgy.tbm (3.2 KB, 48 views)
eletric_orgy_act.rpl (32.2 KB, 28 views)
hmmm havent tried it But i might Just answer me this does it Dismember the joint or just break it? Cause just breaking it would be cool IMO screenie looks good though
Robert A. Heinlein: "Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny."
Ummm... Dengue. They dont do anything. But this has inspiried me to make a tazer mod.
Great modders will always keep TB players playing.
When did you make a tazer mod dengue? A stun baton and a tazer is a long gap to cross. And I did say "INSPIRED" didn't I? Thats a compliment.
Great modders will always keep TB players playing.