Original Post
In order to serve you better, Toribash unveils a new feature: the SafeTrade

Basically, you ask someone for an item, and the owner of the items gives you a counter offer, this continues until both parties can come to an agreement. This makes item transactions easy to track and hopefully makes item trading easier and less suceptible to scamming

Check it out for yourself at
there are many bugs

there is a bug if you send a safetrade and the other sends 1 and the second as reply on your 1st.So he will scam your items..

check the message and after that the link:

Originally Posted by ToriBot
Users message:
lax for 4.3k
night2009 has attached the following items:
- Vampire relax
Click here: to view your trade
Click here: to finish your trade


Yeah I think thats how I just lost 1070tc...
<~legsol> (yes he is gay he is the gayest gay furry ever)
happened to me too....

put up 3400tc and it said 0 after i pressed ok

the 3.4k just disappeared

needs to be fixed and i need my tc

EDIT: and i think the person i offered it to (spaceinvader) has it for some reason