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[Replay Reviews] Send Replays For Feedback!

(don't know if this is aloud. But if its not. It should be. K thanks)

Why did you make this thread idiot

Hey if you know me. Sup.

If you don't, I've been a replay maker for about 8 years now. My specialty is parkour replays and sparring replays. But I also can give good feedback about tricking replays.

Madman/Ukebash replays, I'm useless in. Unless you're worse than me than I can help a little.

Anyway. I rarely have time to make replays myself lately but I'd love to help others! Post your replays down below with the mod if a mod has been used. And i'll give you some critique or feedback on it!

although everything I say will be my opinion. So don't take anything too harshly.

If you want to send me your MP replays such as sparring. Find me on discord or link me to your thread! (specific page of replay)


Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297