Heyy man, I'm actually not currently in a clan so I personally won't be able to help you but Do you mind If I suggest something??

Try giving a little bit more detail, example below:

Toribash Skills:
What you can offer to a clan:

Just a friendly piece of advise from another tori-bro ;) good luck in your search for a new clan
Hi Friends! :)
This thread is the Wii section.

If you want to join a clan, you might want to make an application that can be of any format and post it on the recruitment thread of the particular clan you're joining.
Shoot me a PM if you have any queries!
You have to show effort with an appealing application. You shouldn't join a clan just to look cool with a clan tag.
So people actually join clans because of the clan tag? I joined MOFF cause of the...interesting community and you should do the same when joining a clan. Or something like that.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
I don't think you need a clan yet. You can make a decision or have some time off and think about it, that's how I would join a clan if I were you. And I do not mean to be rude here, but if you joined just because of the clan tag, that is just...dumb. Honestly, you can also apply for 2 ways; Recruitment Thread or PM. (PM the leader or recruiter of the clan you wish to be in an application) but applying on the recruitment thread is better. And I am NOT EVEN going to tell you how to get to the recruitment thread. You should know this already.
"Brains are like computers but squishy and very watery :3'' ~D
Agree with MrDevilMan, Plus why in the Wii section? its nor going to help here, try the recruitment thread, and go onto clans and do an application, buy read the rules before you do.
~The Age Of Gaming~