Pig, uh...those links show that a larger proportion of white people are the ones that are committing the crimes.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
54.6/77.7 vs 23.3/13.2 = 0.70 vs 1.76

In other words, blacks commit more than 2.5x more hate crimes than whites.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Not sure where you're getting that 77.7 and 13.2 from.

If you look at the proportion of offenders to victims though, you see that whites are WAY in the lead (54.6/22=2.48 (W) vs 23.3/66.2=0.35 (B))
In other words, for every white victim of a hate crime, there are 2.5 hate crimes committed by whites. Likewise, for every three black hate crime victims, only one hate crime is committed by a black person.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
He is doing it proportional to the percentage of the US population made up by that race. Perhaps some further explanation was due on his part.
Good morning sweet princess
I see. Now that that's sorted...

Pig, you know better than to only tell half the story. Let's look at the proportion of victims to population, shall we?
66.2% of hate crime victims are black. Blacks comprise 13.2% of the US population. That comes out to 5.01. That number seems unacceptably high.
22% of hate crime victims are white. Whites comprise 77.7% of the US population. That comes out to .28. Pretty low for being such a large portion of the population.

There are almost 18 times more hate crimes against blacks than whites. So while blacks commit 2.5x more hate crimes (proportionally), blacks receive 17.9x more hate crimes (proportionally).
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Originally Posted by Ele
Ele message: Sure buddy, I'll just ban anyone who plays devil's advocate from now on.

Thank you.
Originally Posted by Honorable Grand Dragon
have a barbeque every Sunday and are labeled a hate group.

See, the problem here is that these are organizations that have perpetrated thousands of murders, and you're characterizing them as innocent bbq get-togethers, while at the same time upset at the very thought that your ideals might have anything in common with theirs.

Actually, I think we can close on that note. The Aryan brotherhood, one of the most murderous prison gangs in the history of the United States, actually just some dudes out for a weekly Sunday potluck. Uh-huh.
Last edited by Boredpayne; Mar 15, 2015 at 12:42 AM. Reason: typo
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Hey look more than two lines.
Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
See, the problem here is that these are organizations that have perpetrated thousands of murders, and you're characterizing them as innocent bbq get-togethers, while at the same time upset at the very thought that your ideals might have anything in common with theirs.

Actually, I think we can close on that note. The Aryan brotherhood, one of the most murderous prison gangs in the history of the United States, actually just some dudes out for a weekly Sunday potluck. Uh-huh.

Have you ever been to an Aryan Brotherhood potluck Boredpayne? Those guys condemn violence against non-Aryans all the time. Is it their fault that there are extremists out there tarnishing their good name with violence? Pshhhhh...

Now, where have I heard that before..?
Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
I see. Now that that's sorted...

Pig, you know better than to only tell half the story. Let's look at the proportion of victims to population, shall we?
66.2% of hate crime victims are black. Blacks comprise 13.2% of the US population. That comes out to 5.01. That number seems unacceptably high.
22% of hate crime victims are white. Whites comprise 77.7% of the US population. That comes out to .28. Pretty low for being such a large portion of the population.

There are almost 18 times more hate crimes against blacks than whites. So while blacks commit 2.5x more hate crimes (proportionally), blacks receive 17.9x more hate crimes (proportionally).

If you are comparing number of victims you should do it the other way. Blacks do not commit anti-black hate crime against themselves, likewise whites do not commit anti-white hate crime against themselves. You should compare it to the proportion of people who are non-black/non-white respectively.

There are 100-13.2=86.8 non-blacks, so the proportional anti-black ratio would be 66.2/86.8=0.76, while the proportional anti-white ratio would be 22/(100-77.7)=0.98

So yes, less white people are victims, but proportionally they are 30% more victimized.

Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post

Thank you.

See, the problem here is that these are organizations that have perpetrated thousands of murders, and you're characterizing them as innocent bbq get-togethers, while at the same time upset at the very thought that your ideals might have anything in common with theirs.

Actually, I think we can close on that note. The Aryan brotherhood, one of the most murderous prison gangs in the history of the United States, actually just some dudes out for a weekly Sunday potluck. Uh-huh.

Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Have you ever been to an Aryan Brotherhood potluck Boredpayne? Those guys condemn violence against non-Aryans all the time. Is it their fault that there are extremists out there tarnishing their good name with violence? Pshhhhh...

Now, where have I heard that before..?

Lmao I've never heard of a non-murderous prison gang. All prison gangs are racially segregated.

Can't believe you decided to reply to one sentence only again - and again we see you have the most stupid argument; "omg AB kill people!" No shit sherlock, you think the Bloods, Crips and La Eme are angels?

And don't think you can bait me into flaming you. If you want to act childish and show no respect, fine, the forum rules don't require you to. But I'm not going to play that game with you BP.
Last edited by ImmortalPig; Mar 15, 2015 at 04:23 AM.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
I wasn't comparing hate crimes against the same race. I was saying that even though blacks make up 13% of the population, they bear the brunt of 66% of racially motivated hate crimes.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
I wasn't comparing hate crimes against the same race. I was saying that even though blacks make up 13% of the population, they bear the brunt of 66% of racially motivated hate crimes.

But there is 86.8% non-blacks who could potentially commit hate crimes against blacks.

For example if you were to keep the same hate crime numbers and swap the white / black population numbers (ie blacks being 77.7%, and whites being 13.2%) then you would get 86.8 * 0.98 = 85% hate crimes against whites, and 22.4 * 0.76 = 17% hate crimes against blacks. This is noticeably different from the respective 66.2% and 22% seen with current population.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff