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I've begun modding and notice things that could be improved to make it easier to mod the game one of my main concerns is not being able to place more than 16 fucking physics object/physics obeying environment objects to be used as pieces for weapons or just moving mechanisms. Another concern I have is having the ability to snap environment objects to a grid it would make it much easier to build symmetrical buildings and weapons. The third and last concern i have is a way to trigger things on a weapon like how you can click on a hand to make items like guns or bows easier to make and easy to use instead of putting a timer on the bullet, the way this would be done is having the ability to click a part of the weapon held(only clickable if held) and have something happen like the thrust is bound to the weapon and clicking on it instead of a timer allowing guns to be made as separate parts rather than a part of your body . Thank you for reading this and hope you take my ideas into consideration.
best regards, ya bat skinny wing.