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[BLEU] Your highest streak!
Hey guys, this is my first post here on BLEU, But I wanted to know...
What's your biggest winning streak in the history of your game time?
Mine is 12, in Judo, just kept spamming the same move. xD
My biggest streak was also on judo in a tourney. 8 streaks in a row with the same move :3

May the force be with you maŽam.
I was counting and I reached 97 win streak.

Really, if you want to tell your streak, post a screenshot as well.
Originally Posted by TheWolves View Post
Cool, Akmal. You must have some moves, also...
How do I get the Tag BLEU?

It is called an invitation from a clan. You will receive it as soon as we wake our asses up and start doing shit once again. Until then, nap time!
23 in Taekkyon. 12 in Kickbox. 17 in Judo (long time ago). 30 in jousing. (Also a long time ago).
master of the universe
Nice Virtue, but looks like Hero is still winning.
My Wolf symbolises courage, cunning and the ability to work
as a pack, without others, I am nothing.