Original Post
long sword mod
i made this because most of the sword mods didnt hit uke (or the other player in multi) if you where to far away and i didnt want to keep changeing the eng distance each time i used the mod then when to a different mod. so i made a larger sword that is semi light and can still cut through things!

The new Ultima sword mod!!!
just made a shorter version for nepo

edited may 06,2007: uh can people please post replys so i can atleast see if i can improve it?!

oh sorry about the screenshot thing i was having trouble getting a picture for it...


and i cant post a replay because im not that good at playing. just got the game a few day ago...

edited may 8, 2007: wow 109+ views and downloaded more than 30 times... but still only 3 replys..... are the only people who are downloading it just guests or something? if not plz reply and give me something to work off of!!!
Re: long sword mod
Put Pics... If not putting pics in 3 days I am gunna ask someone to lock this...
Je fixe les gens même lorsqu'ils s'en appercoivent...

Blame the fact that english is not my default language of communication...