k - ive changer prices - gives evils to flamers

ill try those requests 4 u

not sure bour luigi - the cap would be hard...
jimbo fyi swearing is aloud in this forum so don't derep for it >>
also idk if you made them in photoshop i could do better in paint and the heads would sell for about 10tc
From a looong time ago:
[21:56]<Blam>ManBreakfast: Frunk wants to know why you banned him from IRC
[21:56]<ManBreakfast>oh, fuck
[21:56]=-=Mode #toribash -b Frunk!*Frankie'sip by ManBreakfast
care is spelt with a C not a K

My name is Jimbob - note the b on the end

swearing may be allowed but its still rude and childish

if you have a problem with me fine but kindly keep discussion in my shop on topic


now the pleasant part - rambo head done - uploading now
meh, i had a good laugh at the heads, well tried tho man, cant say im much better when it comes to straight creativity...
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-