Original Post
Bears Ultimate Shop Of ToriStuff
Hello fellow Tori's and welcome to the shop of Bear!
I was running a bit low on tc's so i thought i would make a shop...
I am pretty experienced with PhotoShop but have never made a head before so dont be to harsh...
First 5 Buyers will get a free orc um... Body bit i guess....
I only currently have heads sooo....Yeah other bit coming soon...
Also i would like to know how to make textures on the rectangle bits and what to call it so i can test it...


Carnage Pattern:
Price: Dunno offer i guess ;).

Red Zombie:
Price: Offer

Price: Offer

Well thanks for looking... Any tips/help/criticm is accepted...
Last edited by UnknownPerson; Feb 7, 2008 at 11:04 PM.
ill buy carnige one for

113.99 TC *triggerhapp y**trigg erhappy*
donate to me if you want to
Most good heads have design that is visible on all sides. i.e. not solid black in one direction.
Also, check the blend/smoothness on the back and top.
Ok Neo send the money ill send the head...
ROFL... People say the ywill buy but never sned money... >.<
Last edited by UnknownPerson; Feb 8, 2008 at 07:26 AM.