Original Post
Toribash Head Preview 2.0
Many greetings to the fine residents of Toriland and it's several subsidiary provinces.

As many of you have already discerned, SlainVeteran has a job and is unable to continue developing THP2.0... thus I am going to attempt to continue the project (time permitting, I may not have a job like SlainVeteran but I certainly make up for lack of free time by way of my laziness...).

The main ideas are:
Yeah... opensource I guess... but bear in mind I do not care about this code so it will be a hack...
Crossplatform - Windows, Mac and Moonix through the unfaltering and steadfast power of .NET,
Support for loading many fileformats (and saving to all Toribash compatible ones),
Lots of little options (lighting, optional neck and background colour etc.)
Simple in-built editor with an extra zoom level or two (Pencil and line tools!),
Quick-refresh button (to quickly reload an open head texture).

So I've just opened this thread to allow people to reiterate their wishes for additional functionality... so... go.

Originally Posted by shteou View Post
Simple in-built editor with an extra zoom level or two (Pencil and line tools!),

Sounds cool.
Trust me, what you are doing could be monumental for the head designing business. This is THE thing we need for TB. Half of my excitement may be because I have a mac, and all of my heads are guess-and-check.
<3 MBK :D
Originally Posted by Jaxz View Post
Im gonna tell my friend about this

Just the one? XD

This it pretty uber, and with an inbuilt editor adn image convertor, it will answer many-a-noobish question. Also, its a great thing that you're doing this... what is Slainvet's input into this grand endeavour?
Three rules of Q - 1. Qegola and Quarantine both start with Q. 2. There is no U in Qegola. 3. Qegola is you new god.

So a man walks into a bar with a monkey. I forgot the rest of the joke but your mom is a whore.
Sound as a pound.

I don't expect the inbuilt editor to have much functionality, probably just simple pencil/line tools so you can mark out and touch up heads

I am going to have a refresh button so it should make working with a 3rd party painty program easy as pie.

ETA... not sure yet. Probably the biggest task is dealing with the formats correctly, have been looking at libraries but looks like I'm going to have to write my own wrapper to some C++ library If anyone has any suggestions please suggest them! (I'm currently using a managed wrapper to DevIL, but it has a bug and loads shit upside-down... bloodymess )

Also, I'll converse furthermore with SlainVeteran when he has some free time, the only input thus far has been "start from scratch"
How do!

A quick mockup of what THP2.0 might look like:

There will be some other features as well to add in (Including an "Open custom head" button to select a head in the custom head folder). If you can think of nifties to add in, please do post them :x I don't play the game nor do I make heads... so I don't know what you guys want really ;)


Edit: Some other features I intend to add:
Drag & Drop loading of textures,
Mouse drag for the head.
Last edited by shteou_old; Jul 25, 2007 at 05:14 PM.