ES Recruitment Drive
Acabei de mandar mensagem ao humper (o tipo que criou o video da nossa organização há 2 anos) para saber de ainda têm o video porque parece que ele foi removido do youtube (ou ele apagou o canal, sei lá).

Se alguém o tiver que tente arranjar maneira de me o transmitir, sff.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
Originally Posted by Hayz
Originally Posted by Humper
Originally Posted by Hayz
Hey, man.

Two years ago, you created a video for the portuguese organization.
I was going to check that video today but found out that it was removed/your channel was removed. My question is... do you still have that video by any chance? It would be swell if you did.

Here's the original thread:

Thanks and waiting for a possible positive response.

Unfortunately not.

Options would be, you either use the one provided by machker94; he won't mind I already talked him through OR I will re-make it since back then I was a beginner in videomaking. This time it will most likely turn out a lot nicer. You'd have to wait though, I started college and I have to also make a few request videos so my time is diminished by a pretty big amount.

Payment doesn't really need to be involved since I already got paid once.

Sounds nice.

Send me a message whenever you're available to do the video and I shall take care of the rest (getting a thread up with replays, etc).

Keep in touch.

Se ainda estiverem interessados..
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
Sim porque não.
temos que dar actividade a isto
Do you really think you're in control
Não sei quanto tempo isto ainda vai demorar mas ainda podemos arranjar outra espécie de diversão antes que sejamos "chamados".
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
não sei quanto a vocês, mas eu tenho andado a jogar toribash nos meus tempos livres
Em vez de Toribash, tenho jogado LoL.

Se quiserem jogarem um jogos, o meu nick é dathayz.
Jogo mais normais com amigos do que ranked mas ainda planeio chegar a Silver até ao fim da época.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
Eu tambem jogo LoL, nick DrumsOnYou ^^

Also, vejam este jogo/programa que fiz no blender xD

Só carregar no link e depois onde diz "Filipe'sPAD.rar"
eu ja jogei lol por 1 ano, mas ja deixei :P,
mas vamos fazer outro video ou vao pegar nos replays antigos e recriar?