Original Post
From the very time time life was created, so where dreams. When there is a day time, ther emsut be also a night time. When violence and fear started, nightmares where born. In the realm of nightmares created by the people over time; Then something was wrong, people stopped fearing and started fighting back, and nightmares started to disipair. The king of all nightmares started to wonder what was happening on the planet that stoped fearing that gave him and his people powers of fear.

The dark creature then manifested itself on the planet to fight among them and start to drive fear into people again to give fear to people again so they start having nightmares which gives the Nightmares there power. The king and his fellow dark ones go on a quest to strike fear into peoples hearts, and destroy everything that gets in there way.

We are a clan that works on becoming one of the very best clans around; and to Smash, Crush, and Destroy things in the progress! To destroy all of our enemies, and teach people not to cross with us.

You MUST be a black belt or higher to join. Also skill is a key factor in joining, you have to present to me the skills you have to prove you are worthy to join, no need to beat me the leader. The test should have four people in the room a the present time of testing. I will test your best mod, and your worst mod and add your total score; which will result in if you get in or not.

Please, and I cannot stress this point enough; PLEASE be respectful to others; I don't want anyone to give this clan a bad name. We have our up's and down's during some days, but TRY your best to be in a decent mood while playing and don't break the golden rule of respect. Please keep cusing to a small amount as posible. If you get in trouble of ANYTHING that deals with brekaing the rules of toribash, you can get suspended, or even abnned from this clan. Thanks.

Donations are welcome also; the money will go to making this clan offical, not for personal profit.

You can request being recruited here if you want also; or just message me on my MSN: [email protected] (Yes that is my MSN ID, not Yahoo)

Member List: Leader-Rayman2

Co-Leader: GEKO

+-(There are more I just need to get there names again and put them on here.)

Thanks once more!
Last edited by Rayman2; Aug 18, 2008 at 09:38 AM.