Rules: I have read them
Pass:ah li peda papai pugati po bagai badi badi badi badi badi kiya papoi bulatu ki kadi putipa yateya ea kuda pae kayamani kayu larus seya puda..............
Real Name: Boyo Bruce
Age: 16
Where are you from: Ohio
Time Zone: EST
Belt: Black (10 games from 2nd dan)
Mods that I like: judo, graykido, aikido, tplmod,
Mod that I am best at: tplmod aikido greykido (basicly all the same thing)
Previous Clan: LOTP (League of toribash pros)
How I found this Clan: I clicked recruitment center on the forums
Why you want to join: I need a active clan with a good name
Last edited by RealLuck; Jun 14, 2014 at 09:50 PM.

Do she got a booty

Rules: Yup
Pass:ah li peda papai pugati po bagai badi badi badi badi badi kiya papoi bulatu ki kadi putipa yateya ea kuda pae kayamani kayu larus seya puda..............
Real Name: Nazhan Khorlid(not chinese :3)
Age: 16
Where are you from: Malaysia
Time Zone: UTC+08:00
Belt: Black
Mods that I like: Judo
Mod that I am best at: Judo
Previous Clan: Crew
How I found this Clan: I met one of your members in game
Why I left them: Seems pretty dead to me....
Why you want to join: I found your clan members in Judo tournament and they are pretty lively :3
i wish to join
1 Rules:I have read them
2 Password:li peda papai pugati po bagai badi badi badi badi badi kiya papoi bulatu ki kadi putipa yateya ea kuda pae kayamani kayu larus seya puda..............
3 Real namerake Haywood
4 Mode I like:Judo
5 Mode im good at:Judo
6 Previous Clan:Non
7 Why i left:been in non
8 How do i know about this clan:Player in tourney
9 Why i want to join the players have helped me an are really good
I wish to join Ox
1 I already read the rules
2 password:li peda papai pugati po bagai badi badi badi badi badi kiya papoi bulatu ki kadi putipa yateya ea kuda pae kayamani kayu larus seya puda..............
3 Real name NguyenVietMy (from VietNam)
4 Mode I like:Judo
5 Mode im good at:Judo
6 Previous Clan:Non
7 Why i left:been in non
8 How do i know about this clanOX)AsianSugar
9 Why i want to join the players have helped me an are really good
Real name? Thiago Reis

What mod do u like? Judo Judôfrac

THAT MOD are u good? JUDO

PREVIOUS CLAN? no this is the first

WHY U left? --------

HOW U KNOW ABOUT OUR CLAN? I saw that most judo throws in judo then as I would love to try to play

WHY U WANNA JOIN OUR CLAN? I would like to help bout what power and etc ...
PASSWORD PLZ?:ah li peda papai pugati po bagai badi badi badi badi badi kiya papoi bulatu ki kadi putipa yateya ea kuda pae kayamani kayu larus seya puda..............
REAL NAME?: Charles
WHAT MOD DO U LIKE?: I'm mainly found in judofrac, judo, and aikido lobbies.
WHICH MOD ARE U GOOD AT?: All of the above and jousting for laughs
PREVIOUS CLAN?: I wish I remembered
WHY U LEFT THEM?: I don't have my old account from years ago.
HOW DID U KNOW ABOUT OUR CLAN?: I met the leader.
WHY U WANNA JOIN OUR CLAN?: This clan seems like fun and the leader is a cool dude so I figured i'd go ahead and be in this clan on my new main account. ^_^