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Unfortunately this has turned from a thread about Trans-genders into a thread about depression.
Yes, the two are linked but this was not the purpose of the thread.
Maybe I should make myself clearer, I merely intended to voice my opinion on the way the thread was going. I was not (Zelda) trying to 'back-seat moderate' or try to prove that there was no link between Depression and Dysphoria.

And now I shall add my 2 cents worth on the treatment of Mental Diseases;
No we don't really have much infrastructure to treat mental diseases, this is mostly due to the fact that these diseases are so complex and difficult to root out, and/or treat, especially since they are in the main functioning part of the body, which is responsible for almost everything. So if one part is influenced, the other parts are likely to be influenced as well.
Last edited by Kore; Jun 7, 2015 at 07:54 PM.

The difference between treatment for depression and the treatment for gender dysphoria was one of the topics of discussion outlined, therefore discussion of the treatment of depression should be around 30% of that discussion. The first few pages of this thread focussed more on the nature and treatment of gender dysphoria and now we have moved onto the nature and treatment for depression. Don't backseat moderate, especially when the thread was created by a moderator. In future assume that if the conversation had gone off track I would be fixing it. If myself or Ele are not fixing something it is either not broken, or we will fix it when we are less busy. I would delete your post but that would make others more likely to make the same mistake.

On a thread you create yourself then it would be slightly different since you would aware of the purpose of the threads creation, however you would still have no real power to control the discussion's topic beyond asking nicely or just changing the subject yourself.
Good morning sweet princess
I'm surprised by how many people are missing the point of the comparison with depression.

The point behind it was that it is just as dangerous as the illnesses it was compared with, and somehow that turned into from that into "Hah I told you if you manipulate the numbers of these other illnesses they're JUST AS BAD as dysphoria" from "Dysphoria is just as dangerous as these and must be treated because it's dangerous" to "We don't treat depression well what is a train of thought where is the conductor AHHHHHH"

The only thing I was comparing was the bodycount, because it proves exactly how dangerous it is, I was not comparing the symptoms or anything. Just the bodycount. The symptoms don't matter at all in this observation, all that matters is the bodycount. If it kills as many people as other mental illnesses considered dangerous, it must be treated.

That said, we don't have a system in place to treat many mental illnesses in this country, but that's not to say that it can't be combated and people can't be helped.
here is a general question; would any of you actually want to have sex with a tranny?
(im not trying to be a dick i just actually want to know)
Well I haven't really read more than 2 or three of these posts, and sorry if I'm interrupting the flow or something, but I got something I want you all to think about.

Sometimes, children that decide one day that they want to dress up as the other gender or say "I'm a boy/I'm a girl". If this is how they feel (at the time) does it really mean that that is how they want to be identified for the rest of their life?
I heard this one story about a little girl who decided that she might want to become a boy (I believe that she was about 6) Then her parents took the genius step to have her travel around the country to speak at Transgender conventions (or whatever they call them) about her story.
Imo, this is messed up, and very damaging to the child, what if it was just a phase? What if the child later in life might realize that she would have a harder life if she changed sex, and decided not to? Anyways, my point is that these parents took away that choice from the child, and destined them to a harder life than he/she needed.

Btw, not really saying that being trans is bad, just that nothing will ever be accepted by 100% of society, so you will get shit for being different anywhere you go.
I'm reading this conversation and I don't understand what is the point of all this. What are you trying to discuss here? Is gender dysphoria a mental disorder? Does that matter? Being gay can be classified as one with the same logic since homosexual men have a higher risk of schizophrenia. But again should we "treat" being gay?

Ones sexual identity and body is always his/hers own choise (as in only he/she has the right to rule over those things). Only discussion worth having is how can we improve the status and well being of trans people in our society. Because the second you even suggest that it should be treated without consent. You are massive a knobend *fixed for ele. If someone is suffering from depression because of being trans, we treat the depression, not the trans part.

And to hyde here who keeps spouting that being trans is dangerous to an individual to an individual; What would you do? Force a trans person to take hormones? Force them to take teraphy? You guys keep bringing statistics and trying to disprove one another without actually discussing actions.
Last edited by cowmeat; Jun 10, 2015 at 05:44 AM.
Originally Posted by cowmeat View Post
I'm reading this conversation and I don't understand what is the point of all this. What are you trying to discuss here? Is gender dysphoria a mental disorder? Does that matter?
Of course it matters. It is the best reason that can possibly exist for prioritizing treatment.

Being gay can be classified as one with the same logic since homosexual men have a higher risk of schizophrenia. But again should we "treat" being gay?
There's a huge difference between gays and transgender people. For instance, transgender people actually have a serious developmental issue leading to hormonal issues at important stages of a person's life. Gay people are just attracted to dicks. Huge difference.

Ones sexual identity and body is always his/hers own choise
If you tell your doctor you're another gender, aka lying to them, it's a big deal. You will not be screened for certain gender-specific issues, and medical problems can and will occur. Other than medical issues stemming from accommodation instead of treatment, there is also a strong correlation between dysphoria and other mental illnesses. Treatment and help would save lives.
(as in only he/she has the right to rule over those things). Only discussion worth having is how can we improve the status and well being of trans people in our society.
Accommodation and ignorance lead to more tragedies. If you don't help someone who is very mentally ill and just pretend they're okay, things will not suddenly become okay. They will still be prone to suicide and mental illnesses.

Because the second you even suggest that it should be treated without consent. You are massive a knobend *fixed for ele. If someone is suffering from depression because of being trans, we treat the depression, not the trans part.
You treat both you knobend. I do not advocate forced treatment, but sometimes it is needed when people are self-destructive to the point where they will die without it, which is very much the case for many of these people.

And to hyde here who keeps spouting that being trans is dangerous to an individual to an individual; What would you do? Force a trans person to take hormones? Force them to take teraphy? You guys keep bringing statistics and trying to disprove one another without actually discussing actions.
I'll just strike this up to poor reading comprehension from you, because you clearly haven't read any of the suggestions I've written.

Point1: I agree

Point 2: No, they dont have a huge developmental issue leading to hormone difficulties, generally speaking. That is just a portion of people with gender dysphoria in the same way a portion of LGB also have these (as well as a portion as cis hetero people). You also havent explained any way at all that being trans is dangerous yet so dont use that as an argument until there is reason to believe it is.

Point 3: Wow I have to do this again really? Gender dysphoria is having a different gender identity to your physical gender. Gender identity is not thinking youre physically another gender like you seem to think its the gender you believe you should be please make sure you understand that

Point 4: As was stated above the point of this is to discuss whether trans (note not gender dysphoria) is a mental illness. You cant use "trans is a mental illness" to prove that trans is a mental illness and the reason behind suicides is still sociatal pressure, which is why trams suicide rates are not higher than the rest of LGBT.

Point 5: Again youre using "trans is a mental illness" to argue that trans is a mental illness, that is not a logical argument. Until you can justify treating it, dont try to argue that you will.

Also psychiatrists only treat the depression part, maybe theres a reason? If you still think you should treat both, take it up with a professional

Point 6: From whats above, particularly you still not knowing what the condition is, its pretty evident you havent been doing any reading yourself.
Last edited by SmallBowl; Jun 10, 2015 at 08:29 AM.
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.
You people realize that being confused about ones own gender has nothing to do with sexual orientation, right?
Transgender is no sexual orientation. Transgender people are still gay, straight, bi, pan, …
So stop bringing that up.

@Smallbowl: Hyde and I have posted very lengthy posts about why it should be considered a mental illness. Why is there a need to repeat it for you? Just browse through the thread and you will find the reasons.
You don't seem to have a very deep understanding of psychiatry. A depression is usually only a symptom of a deeper problem. If a therapist only treats the symptoms he is incompetent.
That's a gross generalization anyway. Not every professional is on your side and claiming otherwise is ignorant.
Last edited by Redundant; Jun 10, 2015 at 12:19 PM.
The only reason LGBT was brought up is because they are often used together, as we know they are not mental disorders, they were used as a comparison. There is no reason not to bring them up in this way.

No, you havent, feel free to quote me a "lengthy" post explaining it. And I will still dospute, in this thread there is no post showing that it should undebatably be considered an illness.

Hyde has made a lengthy post explaining why he thinks it should be but as you can see I disputed it and remain unconvinced. Please feel free to win me over.

In this case I believe the depression to come from the extreme sociatal pressure that everyone in LGBT categories feels, although it affects some more than others, all these groups have higher than usual, and similar depression levels iirc.

On the final point I concede, but the same could be said the other way. You are saying the samw thing with "if a therapist only treats the symptoms he is incomptetant" this clearly depends on the case, the cause (sociatal pressure imo) is hard to prevent) so treating just the symptoms could be the only route.
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.