Original Post
Can't see the flame in flame forge
I might be missing something obvious but I have tried changing the sliders and reloading the game. I can't see a flame in the flame forge, its just me and uke and the UI for the forge
Originally Posted by ToasterDan View Post
/opt particles 1

Try that

That is probably the problem he probably Just got the game or something with 4.8 That auto Deactivates Flames, that's probably the reason he can't see his.
Or there's a glitch that doesn't allow you to see them, I've had this problem before but i forgot how i fixed it.
Not working if you do
/opt particles 1
guys guys guys you must do first /dl LazertazerX then you do now is /lp 0 LazertazerX
then there you can see your set of tori
Greenmark, he does not have flame, he's trying to forge one
Do you have flame forge settings right?

Apathetic User