Originally Posted by LesDuncan View Post
So if any of ya'll feel passionate enough to try to change my opinion/stance to yours on this topic, head over there.

I'm not heading to your Youtube channel so you can profit off the discussion. This is a game related change, discuss it in the game's forum.

Originally Posted by LesDuncan View Post
2. I suggested it in the first place because I see things differently, obviously.

"Last Match LesDuncan was defeated by paopao0389 on Jul 24, 2014."
You don't even play this game anymore. Why mess it up for others with your out-of-touch idea? You guys need to tune down all this p2w mentality. There are other ways to make money, you don't have to ruin the game by doing so.

I'd also like to hear about what you mean by black market, that's new to me.
Last edited by ynvaser; Apr 5, 2015 at 01:16 PM.
How are you going to make more money when this implementation shrinks down the playerbase

Meaning: having faith in making the game "more accessable" (nicely said) for new people to discover it so the playerbase increases is the worst one could do for a game like Toribash. I wouldn't even think about relying on this.
Last edited by Destram; Apr 5, 2015 at 01:22 PM.
Are you all that retarded to bash on something that you haven't gotten the chance to try yet ? Why not give it a chance and embrace change instead of acting like whiny toddlers? Stances would change the game drastically, but probably for the better. Toribash has always been a complex game of rock-paper-scissors, meaning that you're playing against yourself and you don't have a say in the final outcome because you don't know what you're opponent is going to do. No matter how you try to defend it, luck plays a huge part in this game.

I hope that "stances" just modify your tori's stats, giving you an option to choose your own playstyle. When these stances get implemented, they will completely shatter the current meta-playstyle for all mods. Players will be burdened with making more decisions and will have to play around with all of the stances and different openers to find what best suits them. This will bring a much needed variety to the game as well as an extra layer of skill, which will be beneficial for its longevity.

The issue of how they get implemented is another thing. If they're only purchasable with actual money or through steam (not with toricredits) then this will turn into a pay-to-win game where the ones who can afford buying these stances will have an edge over everyone else who doesn't. They should be available to all, similiar to how head textures are.
Last edited by hipotibor; Apr 5, 2015 at 01:32 PM.
Personally I would probably quit multiplayer if this would become a thing

Abandoning the whole playerbase just to get some new players and some new shit to sell would probably end up killing this game.
[duck] 01101000 01101001 01110000 01101111 01110100 01101001 01100010 01101111 01110010
Originally Posted by hipotibor View Post
Are you all that retarded to bash on something that you haven't gotten the chance to try yet ? Why not give it a chance and embrace change instead of acting like whiny toddlers? Stances would change the game drastically, but probably for the better. Toribash has always been a complex game of rock-paper-scissors, meaning that you're playing against yourself and you don't have a say in the final outcome because you don't know what you're opponent is going to do. No matter how you try to defend it, luck plays a huge part in this game.

I hope that "stances" just modify your tori's stats, giving you an option to choose your own playstyle. When these stances get implemented, they will completely shatter the current meta-playstyle for all mods. Players will be burdened with making more decisions and will have to play around with all of the stances and different openers to find what best suits them. This will bring a much needed variety to the game as well as an extra layer of skill, which will be beneficial for its longevity.

I applaud you for not following the general consensus regarding this matter and thinking about it from a positive aspect, but I think the players are generally scared of change, having the game they dearly love being drastically changed is a daunting concept to accept, seen this could severely change the game for the worse and have terrible impacts for the older players who have to re-learn the game because of these new "Stances".

It all depends in the end how it's released, I mean if they released shovel stances to the public it'd ruin the game completely, just so many things need to be thought of and if it's not executed perfectly it will potentially ruin the gameplay if it's not optional.
Originally Posted by ynvaser View Post
"Last Match LesDuncan was defeated by paopao0389 on Jul 24, 2014."
You don't even play this game anymore. Why mess it up for others with your out-of-touch idea?

"BenDover was defeated by matthieu on Jun 28, 2014."

thats just dumb, is my input not valid either?

i dont agree entirely, but fight stances could be cool, it will be the biggest change to the gameplay since as long as i can remember. could be interesting.

but then it must be implemented properly. do it right or dont do it.
it has to be free, selectable in game on a per match basis.
not allowed in duels. (it will just end in "oh we didnt agree on stances, i lost but it shouldnt count." or complaints on par with "lol noob shovelling/snapkicking")
and nothing too radical, slight variations without getting an overwhelming advantage. none of this boxxing or wrestling stance bs.

i liked the idea of having it as a settable option by the OP instead of being universally enforced.
or potentially SP only.

overall, im not taking it too seriously, there are too many mods to balance it against and it will end up getting abused.
Last edited by BenDover; Apr 5, 2015 at 01:51 PM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
@BenDover: You aren't the one suggesting p2w changes.
Originally Posted by hipotibor View Post
Why not give it a chance and embrace change instead of acting like whiny toddlers? Stances would change the game drastically, but probably for the better.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

The only way I could see this not breaking the game is if the same stance is applied to both players at the start of the round. But then again, some mods already do this.
Last edited by ynvaser; Apr 5, 2015 at 01:55 PM.
I can confirm that this isn't being planned to add in the game as of now, at least there were no "official" talks of implementing such a feature in 5.0 or in any near future.
Last time it was suggested to make slight changes to fighter models or start positions a year ago we got a "no-no" answer from hampa.

Even if it's going to be implemented, I'm 99.9% sure that it'll only be supported by new mods that will be optimized for these stances and all the mods we have now will stay as they are.
Originally Posted by Erth View Post
Hi this admin doesn't like this at all.
It's impossible to balance properly if implemented this way.
Stances as an idea are cool but buying them for use in multiplayer is money grabbing, and if they can be purchased with tc then there is literally no benefit, and will have a massive impact on an already tough-to-keep-around audience.

Jesus wept.

Would be far better just to have it as a mod option so that both players started in the same stance and it was entirely mod dependent.
There's NO way whatsoever to balance them. None. The very premise is that you're unbalancing the starting playing field.

Yeah we still don't

I think Erth just stated the reasons,
I don't have to say anything, that should be enough proof there to get rid of this idea for ever, I hated it when it was suggested in 2013, I hate it now.. "Would be far better just to have it as a mod option so that both players started in the same stance and it was entirely mod dependent." That might possible but it would still suck because it's unbalanced. This is one very unhappy member. This is TWICE in a row that stupid ideas get implemented that could ruin the game, at least the first was an April fools joke. Make this one be too...
Thank you, ~Rune