request: either one you want student or teacher (I think student)
name: Nikita (my real name)
country: Canada
languages: I speak very well English, Russian and French (maybe translator?)
2 replays of your spars: I think you know me a bit cuz we already sparred Tama but here:
1st replay is a good one 2d is my first spar ever.
Attached Files
SUPAR SPAR.rpl (561.7 KB, 9 views)
I can whip one for ya
Can I be a spar teacher?

Even though I never keep track of my replays/never save them,I could learn people how to keep their balance/walk/pose/punches/kicks.
Name would me Michael but call me Mike,right.Also I can be the translator,I have foreign dictionaries all over my house+internet.Languages: English,French,Romanian (fluent)

Others: Little German,Serbian,Italian.
I play games and lift weights.
Accepted annndd, accepted.

Welcome to RSO guys. Classes start whenever a student wants to learn. I'll be assigning the teachers n such.

Also, that was some really fluid tricking Meap .
the goblin
Request: Student Membership
Country:United States
Languages: Spanish(Speak not typing)English
2 Replays of your spars: Couldn't find an another Spar so i put an Little Parkour.
Attached Files
Lol.rpl (333.7 KB, 7 views)
Dizz - Parkours.rpl (779.2 KB, 10 views)
Nikita, if one of the teachers are on, feel free to. I'm making textures.

and DizZTeR, accepted. Welcome to RSO.
the goblin
Request: Student Membership
Name: KenGee,Frankie(real)
Country: Illinois
Languages: English,Vietnamese.
2 Replays of your spars:

Also can we choose what teacher we want?
Attached Files
Class S - Spar 9.rpl (1.08 MB, 6 views)
Class S- Spar.rpl (577.0 KB, 7 views)

And Yes you can, but it's recommended that we choose your teachers based off of your replays. For instance, your replays show that you have some experience. That means you'll be sparring with me and D3, the ones who are in love with sparring xD.
the goblin
UPDATE: It has become clear to me that me and Humper are the ORG artists. I will be hosting RSO events once in a while. While humper, whenever he gets bored, gets to inform us on when he needs some replays n such.
the goblin