Original Post
GUI and other stuff
when we will get friends GUI?..

you implemented adding friends but it's useless when you don't have a friends list.

replied too.

to make it short and straight to point: sir, get a job for month or so and then if your opinion on things would not chage, you are free to ban me.
Originally Posted by snake
1. There are not. You haven't shown me any of them. Facts, facts.

meh okay i will find couple of em jsut for you but tomorrow if you don't mind

2. The way you always make your posts is called bragging. You keep saying that "oh I used to believe in tb but now I'm cool and I see it's shit". I'd love to simply ban for this (just as most staff guys also do), but it's not an infractable behavior.

well all i can tell you, you need to get a job for a month or so, so you will see things the way i do. in short - working for free sucks and i'm really sorry that alot of people who go for staff positions don't entirely understand that they are doing a real work for free. seriously, get yourself a job for brief period of time so you will understand.

Game needs a simplified UI but it doesn't mean that this all can be done at once.
so making tiny steps for total 7 years of development is excuseable?

we are talking about 7 years. not half, not a year.

3. Economy shouldn't be a thing that concerns you. You're a player. You play.
With current economy state it's impossible to set up TC sales at the same price of what players set.

and this is why it's broken. ehhh.. look. tb was supposed to be f2p game where company recieve income from customisation. the system got fucked with ?tc overflow i guess? i'm not sure, but the point is it's fucked.
you can look at any f2p game and you will see that most times the only agent player trade with is the company. this is the exact approach that should be used here in order to make tc sales valuable. i think this is clear enough. if not, there is a thread where i described it with details and was talking about compromiss between devs who need to eat and players who want to play and get everything for free (in short a balance between what players are willing to pay for. in tb terms - customisation.)
now why steamworks and steam play would not be implemented:
as i told earlier, we can both agree that most of income with current system is forums vip and tp, with introducing steamworks ( impossible technically, seriously ) need in forum will drasticly decrease. if you doubt - try to find forums of games with steamworks other than steam forums. - yeah this may be an assumption, but when there is no need to go to forum to buy items and catch friends you don't really need it anymore. atleast average player.

4. Did Bojan help in implementing it in any way? Concept art is just concept art. I can spend some time drawing a superb concept of this game but it won't help in any way since there's not enough coders.

err look, you forget one thing: we all are players and this game is meant to entertain us all. i hate consumership mindset, but being altruistinc and working for free not my thing eather.

Devs are not encouraged to slack, moreover I cannot anyhow provoke them to continue doing nothing.
If the way hampa announces the game doesn't show everyone what's new there, it doesn't mean that there is nothing in it. This will probably be a thing I'll talk about, but saying things you have no idea about isn't what you should do.

7 years from start of development.

That's it.
I don't feel like continuing talking in that thread, it's for the release, not our discussions, so I'm bringing it here.

I'd still love to see a game you know of that was created as free to play and didn't cost a fortune to get created. And, surely, was an indie project, not something from Valve or, I don't know, EA.

we all do. but untill you will recognise and adress problems you will never see a change.

fixing economy is required in order to have the balance between devs paycheck and players desires to look cool

there are ways to get it done, but it require actual effort.

and on last note. it's really painfull to watch how hamp abuse childrens naiviness and "allow" them to work for free. do not forget who is the one who recieve a paycheck and who is the one who work, since these are different people. may be not related to your case but in general you can get the idea, right?

And again, this manner of replying. Respect people you talk to, make replies easier to quote.

Okay, so 7 years.
I think that you seriously haven't played any of earlier versions. There are changes, and there are big changes. It's impossible to change gameplay since I doubt that anyone wants to have newer game clients which don't support Oblivion's old replays or anything that was made before it was released.
The only thing that can be changed is customization and small features like buddylist. They are being implemented. Hi-res textures, hairs, updated modmaker which allows really much exist. And I have no doubt that there are greater things to appear in future. At least there's one outstanding suggestion from jalis (if I'm not mistaken) that could change even the way of playing in MP (which still doesn't change physics or something else).

You still haven't answered anything about Bojan. I believe it's better to talk directly to him in this case, but if you're demonstrating his concepts I'm talking to you know ("you" is the whole "flow" clan since you all tend to whine about the quality of the game, and you represent this point of view here).

Once again, if you want to help at improving economy state, prepare a plan and speak directly to Hampa. Now your position is that economy is bad but you don't have a clue how to better it in any way. That's demagogue.
Your aggressivity and condescendingness make this a very unlikely thing to happen.
Here's a suggestion, learn to code and do these things yourself. All of them.

Also, your superiority complex is reaching siku levels. Might want to throttle that down.
Last edited by Yoyo; Aug 10, 2013 at 12:41 AM.
multiple texture uploader! updated: multiple texture remover!
updated pretty colorlist!

<BobJoelZ> ok ive just rebooted my pc and ive tried to activate my reflex on yahoo internet explorer :/ no luck

<Aracoon> I do not enjoy having anal sex with multiple men
Originally Posted by Yoyo View Post
Here's a suggestion, learn to code and do these things yourself. All of them.

i'm customer, game is meant to entertain me at the brief moments of free time. i'm player, i'm meant to play and enjoy the game.

i'm not developer of tb. hamp is.
Originally Posted by sir View Post
And again, this manner of replying. Respect people you talk to, make replies easier to quote.

Okay, so 7 years.
I think that you seriously haven't played any of earlier versions. There are changes, and there are big changes. It's impossible to change gameplay since I doubt that anyone wants to have newer game clients which don't support Oblivion's old replays or anything that was made before it was released.
The only thing that can be changed is customization and small features like buddylist. They are being implemented. Hi-res textures, hairs, updated modmaker which allows really much exist. And I have no doubt that there are greater things to appear in future. At least there's one outstanding suggestion from jalis (if I'm not mistaken) that could change even the way of playing in MP (which still doesn't change physics or something else).

You still haven't answered anything about Bojan. I believe it's better to talk directly to him in this case, but if you're demonstrating his concepts I'm talking to you know ("you" is the whole "flow" clan since you all tend to whine about the quality of the game, and you represent this point of view here).

Once again, if you want to help at improving economy state, prepare a plan and speak directly to Hampa. Now your position is that economy is bad but you don't have a clue how to better it in any way. That's demagogue.

tb 5 or stand alone version with no free market. thats it.
Last edited by snake; Aug 10, 2013 at 10:10 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
A couple suggestions...
Alright, toribash is an awesome, unexplainable game, I mean, making fighting moves? No other game like this in the world.

But let's face it, the gui looks like shit. Look at the wii edition, and look at the pc. Are you serious Is it that hard to update the gui I guarantee, if you update the game, and make it actually look like a game, well, there you go I guess.

Make the game require less ram to play. I know its possible, because games like terraria have done it, and it made the game so much faster on max gfx, witch I would love to have happen in toribash

Overall, we need a maaaaajor update...